Chapter 3

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After allowing yourself some time to enjoy the fresh scent of the planet, you grabbed the map that Clarke stole and began to look for signs of the military base. The more you explored, the more you realized the map was wrong, or you were in the wrong place.

Finn and Clarke wandered with you up a rolling hill. "It's beautiful," Finn said, gesturing to the endless mountains and trees.

You sighed, finally realizing what was wrong with the map, "it's also where we should be."

"What do you mean?" Clarke asked.

You pointed to the tall peak in the distance, "that is Mount Weather, they dropped us on the wrong damn mountain."

Finn leaned over your shoulder to look at the map, "damn it," he cursed under his breath.

"That means there is a radiation soaked forest between us and our next meal," Clarke warned.

You led both of them back into camp, "we should go now, we want to reach Mount Weather before nightfall, I do not want to be in the forest at dark."

"Where have you been, princess," Bellamy asked when you got back to the drop ship, "or should I call you Doctor now?"

You hit him playfully on the arm, "neither, and I was out looking for food, which is what we should all be doing."

"We should be making this place safe, who knows what kind of mutated creatures are out there," Bellamy protested.

You sighed, food was important, but so was creating a stronghold, "fine, you stay here and start making this place liveable, I'll go out in search of food."

Bellamy nodded and started rounding up some people to move metal from the crash site, you and Clarke met Finn and a few others near the wreckage, "this is Monty and Jasper," Finn introduced, "figured we could use some more hands."

"Great," you nodded to each of them.

"If you need more hands, I'm in," Octavia said walking up to the small group.

You shook your head, "Bellamy would kill me if he knew I let you come along." Octavia hung her head in disappointment, "so I guess it's a good thing I can take him, come on, let's move," you instructed, leading the others on.

"Weren't you a medical assistant?" Monty asked, "how do you know how to navigate the wilderness."

You chuckled, "before I was asked to join medical, I aced Earth Skills."

"I've been meaning to ask you how the medical assistant ended up in lock down?" Jasper asked.

Before you could deflect the question, Finn jumped in, "how did you and Monty end up here?"

Jasper hung his head, but it was Monty who spoke, "someone forgot to replace the special herbs we stole."

"I've apologized so many times," Jasper adds.

"How did you end up here, Finn," Monty asks.

Finn laughed, "I went on an illegal space walk."

They all laughed together, comparing stories of how they were caught, then Jasper walked up to Octavia, "what did they get you for?"

You shook your head at Jasper, but Octavia was already speaking, "I was born."

Octavia recounted the story of her childhood, always having to hide from the inspections, never being able to leave her mother's living space, constantly having to be on the lookout. When she finished, she kept moving through the woods while Jasper and Monty stood there dumbfounded for a moment.

You clapped them each on the shoulder, "we have to keep moving," you said, "and next time, don't ask so many questions."

Monty chuckled and followed you, Jasper right on his heels. The forest was not hard to navigate, but what had you worried more were the kinds of predators and silent killers that lurked in the undisturbed trees.

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