Chapter 8

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"So you and Bellamy just stopped seeing each other?" Finn asked, "even though you helped him?"

You nodded, "he thought he was protecting me. Which he was, if they found out I knew about Octavia, I would have been killed alongside their mother."

"So what happened then?" Finn asked curiously.

You sighed, "well I poured myself into my work, I was constantly at the medical station, mostly to avoid seeing Bellamy at all. I didn't hate him for what he did, I would have done the same if I were in his position, but it didn't make it any easier to deal with." You continued, "it was because I poured myself into my work that I came across the information that got me locked up."

Finn waited for you to continue, and by now Bellamy, Murphy and Clarke were both close enough to hear, all waiting on the information that only you possessed. You sighed, speaking louder now, "the arc is dying, there is only enough oxygen left for a few months, maybe a few more now that we're gone."

"And how do you know that?" Murphy asked.

"I treated too many people with chronic oxygen deprivation," you explained, "so I went looking for a cause of it and found that the arc was almost out of reserve oxygen. I tried to do something about it, talked to Abby, the Chancellor, even the council. They all thought I was going to say something that would incite a panic, so they locked me up, threatened to float me and anyone I told about it."

"That's why they sent us to Earth," Clarke added, "because they need to know if they can survive down here too."

You nodded. You stopped causing the group to stop with you, "I think we are going the wrong direction, Finn see if you can find any signs of Jasper, or something else."

Finn nodded, gesturing for Clarke and Murphy to follow him too. When he disappeared it was just you and Bellamy left. Bellamy set his pack down next to a tree and reached in grabbing some dried meat.

He handed you a piece, "I heard you talking to Spacewalker," he said, "I always figured you hated me for leaving. I tried to keep my distance."

You shook your head, "I could never hate you Bellamy, I knew you were trying to protect me. It was just hard without you, I couldn't sleep or relax, I was just constantly working trying to take my mind off you."

He reached up, letting both his hands rest gently on your collarbone. "I thought about you everyday, walking away was the hardest thing I ever did."

You nodded a small tear falling down your face, "I know."

Bellamy leaned in, his forehead touching yours, his lips inches away. It felt right, like he had not left for so many years, like it was just yesterday he was laying next to you. You were even closer now, you could hear his breath and his heartbeat. But you stopped, placing a hand on his chest and lowering your head, "I can't, Bell."

He sighed, placing a small kiss on the top of your head, "it's ok, princess," he whispered, "I can wait."

The others emerged from the trees a few seconds later, "come on, I found some blood and it's still fresh," Finn said, picking up the pace.

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