Chapter 9

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Your group moved quickly through the forest as Finn followed the trail of fresh blood. "How do we know this is even Jasper's blood?" Murphy asked breathlessly.

"Quiet, Murphy," you hissed behind you, keeping step for step with Finn.

You heard a moan of pain up ahead, before breaking out into a clearing. You inhaled sharply as you looked at the knotted tree in front of you with a figure tied to the center branches.

"Jasper," you breathed. His shirt was ripped off, exposing his pale skin. It was red with blood, but as you searched for the wound in his chest, you saw that it was covered in a poultice.

"His wound," you pointed out, "they covered it with medicine."

Clarke looked at you in confusion, "why would they heal him only to string him up here."

"Maybe whatever they're catching likes it's bait alive," Murphy joked.

"Shut up and cut him down," Bellamy said, handing Murphy a knife.

"Looks like you were right Princess," Finn said, "he is alive."

You nodded, "now let's hope we can keep him alive."


You made good time back to camp, getting Jasper into the top level of the dropship. "I need boiled water and cloth," you said to Clarke.

Finn and Bellamy laid Jasper down on a blanket. They both knelt next to you as you began cleaning the smaller cuts on his body. "How is he still alive?" Finn asked.

You pointed to the reddish poultice on his chest, "whatever this is, it must have antibiotic properties."

"So how do you save him now?" Bellamy asked.

You shook your head, "I have no idea if it is still infected until I remove the poultice and removing it might kill him. Or he could already be septic."

Clarke arrived with the boiled water and some strips of cloth. You stuck a knife in a bucket of hot coals, "I am going to have to cut away the poultice, I have to know if its infected."

They all nodded, grabbing a limb and holding it down. You grabbed your hot knife and began to work on cutting away the medicine. Jaspers screams of pain cut right through you, but you kept cutting, slowly peeling it back to reveal the wound.

"What are you doing?" Octavia shouted, coming to crouch next to you, "can't you tell he's in pain?"

"She's trying to save his life," Clarke defended, "either help, or get out." Octavia huffed, but grabbed hold of his leg with Clarke.

Finally you had the poultice completely off, "I need some light." Clarke quickly grabbed a flashlight and shined it over the wound.

You winced. The skin was red and black, clearly infected and it was still bleeding. You stuck the knife back in the coals, "I have to cut away the infected flesh, and stop the bleeding."

Octavia grabbed your hand, "hasn't he been through enough today, can't you do that tomorrow?"

You moved your hands, pulling out the knife again, "if his skin starts to heal with the infection still like this, it will seep into his blood, I have to do it now."

Octavia backed away, not waiting to hear the screams again, but you blocked it out and got to work.


About an hour later you climbed the ladder down to the lower level to wash the blood off your hands. Octavia was sitting in a corner, her hands over her ears. You knelt next to her, "I was able to stop the bleeding," you explained, "he's not out of the woods yet, but there is more hope now."

She nodded and quickly climbed the ladder to sit with Monty and Jasper. You walked out of the dropship to the water basin to wash your hands. Clarke, Finn and Bellamy walked inside behind you.

"Impressive work, Princess," Bellamy said with a smile.

You rolled your eyes and pulled a piece of the poultice out of your pocket. "This is what kept him alive, we need to get more of it so I can make a tea for Jasper. There is still a chance that infection can set in."

Finn took the poultice from your hand, examining it carefully, "I think I've seen this before, it's like a kind of seaweed."

"Good, we should stock up on it just in case," you said, pushing open the tent flaps and walking out with the others close behind, "I imagine we will need a lot more before we're safe." 

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