Chapter 11

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You walked outside with Octavia, enjoying the fresh air for a few moments before you have to change Jasper's bandages again. "I thought the ground would be scary," Octavia whispered, "but other than the grounders, we've been safe here."

You nodded, "for now, yes."

Octavia sighed, "it's good to see you, I missed you after Bellamy walked away."

You gave her a weak smile, "I missed you too."

Octavia continued, saying all the things she held in, "He loves you, you know. He cried for hours after you broke up. He wanted to go and find you and screw the rules, but he was protecting you. It's my fault he had to walk away."

You placed a hand on her shoulder, "It is not your fault Octavia, I never blamed you for any of it."

She smiled at you and opened her mouth to continue, but she was interrupted by people yelling. "Go, move!" they shouted running towards the dropship.

"Miller, what's going on?" you asked frantically.

"A fog came out of nowhere and everyone's skin started burning," he shouted, continuing to the dropship.

You and Octavia shared a terrified glance before running towards the dropship with the others. "(Y/N), where is Bellamy?" she asked, stopping to look around.

You guided her shoulders back around, "I'll find him, get inside and check on Jasper."

She hesitated, but nodded and ran inside the dropship. "Come on, get moving!" you shouted to the others still running towards the ship.

As you were watching, you realized Finn and Murphy were still out there, unprotected and alone. You resolved to try and find them, when a pair of arms reached for you. Bellamy had come running from the side of the dropship and you hadn't seen him.

You wiggled against his grip, "Finn is out there."

You pulled you tightly to his chest, tightening his grip, "I know, I know, but they'll find a safe place and be back by morning."

You could see the fog now, its orange hue menacing as it grew closer. "Come on, (Y/N)," he said, pulling you into the ship and closing the door just as the fog broke against the metal.

Bellamy had finally let you go and you shoved him back, "I could have tried to find them."

Bellamy held his hand up in surrender, "you'd be dead before you left camp."

"You don't know that!" you shouted back to him.

"Actually I do," he said defiantly, "I watched Pascal and Trina collapse after being in the fog for a few seconds, I couldn't save them, I was just trying to save you."

You hung your head, regretting shouting at Bellamy, "I'm sorry," you whispered to him. You closed the distance and wrapped him in a tight hug before pulling away and climbing the ladder to Jasper.


The next morning the fog had cleared and the camp was running smoothly again as everyone worked on fortifying the wall. You and Bellamy stood outside the ship, looking at the gate.

"I'm sure Spacewalker is okay," he said, nudging you on the shoulder.

You smiled at him lightly and nodded. You looked back towards the gate and saw the trees rustling before two figures emerged from the tree line and walked towards the main gate.

You and Bellamy ran to them, you ran into Finn's outstretched arms squeezing him tightly. His hand rested on the back of your head, pulling you in close. Murphy rolled his eyes at you as you pulled away from Finn, "I have the seaweed and he's the one that gets the credit?"

You laughed for the first time in a while and grabbed the pack from Murphy, smiling at him, "thank you."

He nodded then moved to the side to talk to Bellamy. Clarke saw them coming too and ran down from the dropship, "I'll get the boiled water for the tea," she said, grabbing a basin and running to the water tent.

"You guys handle the fog okay?" Finn asked, following you into the dropship.

You nodded, "Trina and Pascal were with the hunting party and didn't make it back, but everyone else was sealed inside before the fog came."

You both climbed the ladder and knelt down by Jasper. Octavia and Monty were there, watching him. Octavia had Jasper's head in her lap, "he's getting worse, his breathing is ragged."

"Finn and Murphy got the seaweed, I just need to make the tea and he'll be fine," you explained as you started to strip the seaweed from the roots.

Moments later Clarke arrived with the boiling water and you placed the seaweed inside. You stirred it as the water absorbed the plants, creating a pinkish hued drink. You gently lifted a cut to Jasper's lips and made sure the liquid went down his throat.

"He should be better by the morning," you said, leaning back in exhaustion.

Finn placed a hand on your back, "you should rest, I don't think you've slept in days."

You wanted to protest, but your eyes wouldn't stay open. You nodded, closing your eyes and laying down on your side, sleep overtaking you instantly.

Jasper was out of the woods, the tea healing him as you both slept. But you didn't know what else was coming. A few miles away from camp, a pod crashed into the ground, a raven-haired girl sitting unconscious inside, with an impossible mission and a terrible message. 

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