Chapter 7

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You were in shock as a young girl walked out of the shadows, rubbing her hands together nervously. You looked between her and Bellamy in confusion, "what's going on Bell?"

"(Y/N), I want you to meet my sister, Octavia," he gestured, "O, this is (Y/N), the girl I have been telling you about."

"Hi," she said quietly.

You knew you should be concerned, you knew that her life was a crime, one that could get her whole family floated. But the doctor in your couldn't stop yourself from approaching her, she was so scared and so young.

You grabbed her hands, rubbing your fingers over her knuckles comfortingly. Bellamy smiled as he watched you. He had his reservations about letting you in on the secret, he knew that you could be in serious trouble if the council found out you knew. But, he wanted you to be a part of his life so desperately, he ignored the warning in his head.

For months you stopped by every other day to spend time with Octavia, you grew close to her, always giving her extra food, medical attention and helping her learn to read. You watched her grow up to be a strong young woman.

One day, you were helping Octavia study, when their mother ran in the door in a rush. She was shocked at the sight of you, "what are you-"

"Mom, it's okay," Octavia said, "Bellamy asked her to help me learn."

Bellamy, who was sitting on the bed on the other side of the room from the table, smiled at you and Octavia. But his mother frowned, walking right up to him and slapping him across the face.

You stood up, ready to defend him, but he raised his hand to you to stop, "you endanger us," she hissed to Bellamy, "I just got wind that they are coming to inspect this room, and I imagine it was her that tipped off the council," she said pointing a finger at you.

Bellamy shook his head, "she has been helping O for months, why would she say something now?"

His mother turned on you, "get out," she hissed, "stay away from my children."

You looked at Bellamy sadly, but before you could leave, there was a knock on the door. "Open up for inspection," the guard's voice came.

Bellamy looked in panic as he lifted up the floorboards and Octavia slipped under them. You quickly sat down on the bed and grabbed a book, opening it, as Bellamy came to sit next to you, draping an arm over your shoulder.

His mother smoothed down her dress as she opened the door with a smile, "apologies sir, I was just getting dressed."

The guardsman walked into the room, his eyes immediately landing on you, "(Y/N), what are you doing here?" he asked, "shouldn't you be in sick bay."

You shrugged your shoulders, "I'm taking a break." As you glanced down at the floor, you noticed one of your flashcards on the ground, the one you used to help Octavia. You yawned, stretching your arms and scooching to the end of the bed, setting your shoe over the card and leaning your elbows on your knees.

The guardsman eyed you suspiciously, "I think you should head back there now, plenty of sick people to take care of."

"I don't take orders from you," you retorted.

The guardsman walked closer to you, but Bellamy, who had seen you move to conceal the card, stood up in front of you, "I will escort her back to sick bay in a few minutes," he explained, "she was in OR for 6 hours yesterday and is resting, doctors orders."

The guardsman eyed you both suspiciously, "I'll look into that," he replied, looking at you directly around Bellamy's large shape.

You nodded and the guardsman left. Bellamy's mother closed the door with a smile and sighed in relief. You stood up too, kicking the card to the side and you walked up to his mom.

"Ms. Blake, if you don't want me around anymore, that's your choice," you said, flashing a glance at Bellamy, "but I would never jeopardize your family."

You walked around her without waiting for a response and walked out of the room, heading towards the medical bay. Bellamy finally caught up with and grabbed your arm, spinning you around.

"I'm sorry about my mother," he said, hooking a finger under your chin, "she had no right to speak to you that way, especially after you helped Octavia."

You nodded, wrapping your hand around his still resting under your chin, "I know, Bellamy."

Bellamy sighed, "that guardsman, he's an ass, he will look into the hospital records."

"Abby will cover for me," you said confidently.

Bell looked concerned, "she knows?"

You shook your head, "no, but I will just tell her I used the time to spend with you," you explained, "she's covered for me a lot, when I sneak away to see you."

Bellamy pulled you into a hug, resting your head to his chest as you wrapped your arms around his waist. "I have put you at risk," he whispered.

You shrugged against him, "I would cause trouble of my own if I didn't get wrapped up in yours."

He pulled away, "no, this is different, you could get floated just for knowing and not saying anything, you take the oath as a medical assistant."

You nodded. He was right, before you become a medical assistant you take an oath. People confide in you about their crimes so you can treat them more efficiently, and you are required to share that information with the council or risk the same punishment.

"Bellamy..." you whispered.

"I can't let you get in trouble because of me," he said, tears in his eyes, "if we are no longer together, if anyone finds her, you will never be suspected." Fresh tears filled his eyes, "we can't see each other anymore, you have to stay away from me."

Tears stained your cheek as Bellamy walked away from you, "Bell, please," you said quietly, "you're all I have."

Bellamy crossed the distance to you, placing a desperate kiss on your lips, his tears mixing with your own. "I will always love you," he whispered, "but you have to let me go." You closed your eyes against his kiss, wanting to last forever.

But he finally pulled away and was gone before you opened your eyes. "I'll love you forever too," you whispered to the empty hall.  

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