Chapter 13

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Bellamy and Finn carried the still unconscious Raven to the top of the dropship, laying her across from Jasper as he was still recovering.

"What's going on?" Jasper asked, leaning on his elbows to see.

You ignored him, "Murphy, did you say you found her in a pod?"

Murphy nodded, "yes, it was wrecked near the river, it was in pretty rough shape."

"It's a miracle she's still alive," you whispered. Clarke arrived with a basin of water and strips of cloth. "Alright, we need to clean up the blood so I can see what's going on here," you said, motioning for Clarke to kneel down and help you.

"Finn, get everyone out of here," you said, getting to work on Raven. When no one moved you looked back, Finn's eyes fixed on Raven. "Finn!" you said loudly, snapping him out of his trance. He looked at you apologetically, "get everyone out," you repeated.

He nodded, ushering Murphy and Miller and a few onlookers back outside. Bellamy knelt down next to you as you worked on the dried blood. "Why do you think she came down here?" he asked.

You shrugged, "not sure, maybe she was escaping something or maybe she was sent down here," you explained, "we won't know till she wakes up."

"Why would they send her down here?" Bellamy pressed.

You looked at him for a moment, you knew he was fishing for something but you couldn't figure out what. You nodded to the wristband on your arm that you were constantly trying to ignore, "maybe the bands aren't working and they don't know we're alive."

Bellamy nodded and stood up, "I'm going to go see if there is anything salvageable back at the pod wreck."

You nodded, "take someone with you, Bell, you shouldn't go out there alone."

He flashed you a smile as he climbed down the ladder to the lower level, leaving you and Clarke to work on Raven.

After a while you had all the dried blood cleaned up and were able to get a better look at Raven. "Her cuts seem superficial," you said to Clarke, "but there is no telling the amount of internal damage she sustained from the wreckage."

Clarke nodded in understanding, leaning back, "do you really think the wristbands aren't working?"

You shrugged, stretching out your back, "I don't know, but if they are, Raven might be our only link to what is going on up there."

"They're going to kill more people," Clarke said, it wasn't a question, just a fact you both knew, "unless we can tell them that Earth is survivable."

You sighed, "let's just hope Raven here can help us."

Clarke nodded, "what do we do now?"

You yawned, leaning back on the wall of the dropship, "we wait for her to wake up."

Clarke yawned as well, moving to sit next to you, her head on your shoulder, "I wonder what's happening up there."


Abby's POV

On the Arc, Abby and Jackson worked restlessly trying to figure out what was happening on the ground.

"Talk to me Jackson, what's going on down there?" She said, leaning over her table of digital files.

"No idea," Jackson replied, "since the electrical storm went through, we haven't received any vital signs from the wristbands."

"But they could still be alive," Abby said, it was more to convince herself than anyone else, "I hope Raven made it."

The doors to the medical station slid open and Jaha and Kain walked in, angry looks on their faces. "Please tell me you did not send someone to the ground in that old pod?" Jaha said.

Abby looked at her feet, "I had to, the wristbands stopped transmitting."

"Look Abby, I know you want to save everyone," Kain began, "but there are sick people in medical right now, that can be helped."

Abby threw her hands up, "we are understaffed and there are too many sick people that I can't really help."

Jaha shook his head, "I know you have struggled since Clarke and (Y/N) left-"

Abby held her hand up, "no, they did not leave, they were sent to the ground, you sent them there," Abby said pointing a finger at Kain, "you arrested them."

"They both-" Kain began, but Jaha held his hand to stop him.

"Go to medical Abby, help who you can," Jaha said, "if Raven doesn't radio back in a few days, we will move forward with the calling."

Abby opened her mouth, but Jaha had already turned, "a few days Abby, that's how long you have to figure it out." 

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