Chapter 15

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You awoke covered in a blanket. You looked upwards and saw the orange hue of the tents inside camp. You sat up, the images from the night before flashing in your mind, then you sat up.

Bellamy was sitting in the corner, watching you, "you were out for a long time," he said, "I carried you here after dark."

"I'm sorry," you say softly.

"Don't be," Bell answered, "you needed a good night's sleep."

You stood up, "I should go check on Raven."

Bellamy stopped you, "Clarke was just here, she said she hasn't woken up yet."

You looked at him, not saying a word, waiting for him to move out of the way. Only he didn't, "can we talk?"

You sighed, "I really don't think that's a good idea, Bell."

He dropped his hands at his sides, shuffling his feet, "I didn't mean to make this hard for you."

You sighed again, grabbing his hands and lowering him to sit on the ground with you, "I know you didn't, you came here for Octavia."

Bellamy shook his head, "I keep trying to tell myself that, but when I learned they were sending the prisoners down, my first thought was you, not O."

You opened your mouth, but Bellamy continued, "my first thought was coming here to protect you, I didn't even think about Octavia until after," he hung his head, "I'm a terrible friend and an even worse brother."

You rested your hands on either side of his face, "you are not a terrible brother, Bellamy, and you haven't made it hard for me, it's just the way it is."

A tear fell down his cheek and you brushed it away with your fingertip. "(Y/N), I-"

He was cut off as Finn burst into his tent, "(Y/N)!" he shouted, "she's aw-" Finn stopped dead when he saw you next to Bellamy, your faces inches apart.

"Am I interpreting something?" Finn asked, an accusatory look on his face.

You rolled your eyes and stood up, brushing past Finn, "it has nothing to do with you, now let me go save your girlfriend."

Bellamy stood up too, facing Finn as he stood dumbfounded at the flap of the tent, "great timing, Spacewalker."

Finn said nothing, but followed you up the ladder to the top of the dropship. Clarke was already there, helping Raven drink some water.

You knelt in front of her, "Hi Raven," you said with a smile.

"You're the medical assistant that was arrested a year ago," she said matter-of-factly.

You nodded, "good thing I wasn't arrested because I suck at my job." She chuckled but said nothing. "Your injuries on the outside weren't bad," you continued, "are you feeling any pain internally?"

"Just a major headache," she replied.

You approached her, shining a small flashlight in her eyes, her pupils only dilated half the way. "Looks like you have a minor concussion," you said, "just rest and it should resolve in a few days."

Raven nodded in thanks, a bright smile crept on her face as Finn stepped off the ladder, "Finn," she exclaimed, "I missed you so much."

Finn knelt down and hugged Raven tightly. Clarke walked up to you, a knowing look in her eyes. You shook your head, "get Bellamy, we have to figure out what's happening on the arc."

A few minutes later, Bellamy, Murphy and Miller were in the top of the dropship standing next to you. "I'm sorry, Raven, but we have a few more questions to ask you," you said.

She nodded, but Finn interrupted, "you said she needed to rest, this isn't resting."

You opened your mouth to protest, but Raven leaned forward, placing a hand on Finn's chest, "it's alright, Finn, I'm okay."

Finn moved aside and you stepped closer, "we need to know everything that has happened on the arc since we left." 

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