Chapter 25: Safe

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~Louis' POV~

"Honestly I'm fine Em!" I say trying to sit up only to be pushed back down by a frustrated Emily.

"You're not fine you could have a concussion!" She says sternly.

"This is ridiculous, my heads fine!" I laugh pushing her hand off of my chest before getting up off of the couch.

"Fine! Don't blame me if you die!" she says throwing her hands up in the air in defeat. I laugh at her childish actions. I walk over to the spare room door, opening it slowly. I peek into the room to see Alex's sleeping silhouette. A small smile spreads on my face as I make my way into the room, quietly closing the door behind me. I walk to the side of the bed, kneeling down beside it.

"Alex." I whisper moving some of her gorgeous blonde locks out of her face. I get no response, not even a stir.

"Heavy sleeper I see." I mumble to myself as I try to figure out a way to wake her up.

"Hey Alex, I'm naked." I say trying hard to sound serious. Just then Alex's head shoots up out of bed, her hair covering her face and sticking up in all funny directions.

"I'm up! I'm up." She mumbles/yells.

"Finally! I thought I was going to have to tip a bucket of water on your head!" I laugh picking myself up off of the floor and sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Louis? Louis!" She shouts wrapping her arms around my neck pulling me into a bone crushing hug.

"Wow you're a strong little human!" I joke hugging her back.

"Are you okay? I tried to get Zayn to let me go back to help you but he wouldn't let me and I was so scared that they hurt you!" She rambles staring at the cuts and bruises on my body, a tear falling down her rosy cheek.

"I'm fine darling honestly, never been better." I say with a small smile, wiping the tear away. She looks up at me with those gorgeous hazel eyes, how could anyone be so beautiful? I lean in towards her softly kissing her warm plump lips. I can feel a thousand fireworks go off in my belly, nothing has ever felt so right. She kisses me back, our lips moving together in perfect rhythm. My hands snake around her hips and her hands find their way around my neck pulling us closer. We break apart resting our foreheads on each others.

"Okay now I've never been better." I say cheekily. She giggle as her cheeks turn a light shade of pink.

"You really are beautiful you know that?" I say running my thumb across her warm cheek staring deeply into her eyes. A smile plays on her face, her cheeks growing a shade darker. I can hear the sound of a knock on the front door. Both our head snap to the door that separates us from the living room listening intensively.

"Oh thank god you guys are all right!" We hear Emily exclaim before clicking open all of the locks that were barricading the front door, the sound of numerous heavy footstep can be heard before the door gets slammed closed.

"Looks like they're back." I say getting up off the bed, holding my hand out for Alex. She grabs hold pulling herself up of the bed before we make our way out of the room and to our friends.

"There you guys are!" Liam exclaims walking up to us and wrapping us in a hug.

"Thank god you're okay." He says happily. The rest of the boys come and wrap us up in a big group hug.

"Okay let's not smother them to death guys!" Grace laughs shaking her head at the boys.

"She's right, we should probably get going anyways." Zayn says walking over and wrapping his arm around Emily's waist. She smiles planting a small kiss on his cheek.

"Get going? Where are we going?" I inquire.

"Home Alex." Liam states.

"Are you sure that that's safe? I mean we were just attacked." I state nervously.

"Trust me, they are not coming back anytime soon. It's perfectly safe." Niall says reassuringly. I nod my head in response, moving closer to Louis side. He smile and wraps his arm around my waist making me feel secure. I can see Grace in the corner of the room with a big cheesy grin on her face. I smile sticking my tongue out at her. We all make our way out of the safe house and through the woods starting the long journey home. I can't help but realize how much things have seemed to change in the past week or so. I've went from an average everyday student living with their mother and father to an not so average everyday girl living in a house with a werewolf a Wicca and a bunch of vampires. But the craziest thing is I've never been so happy, I've never felt so safe, and I've never felt so free.

~Molly Grace xx

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