Chapter 24: I Warned You

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~Harry's POV~

"Harry, behind you!" Michael shouts while dodging another attack from the sarcastic werewolf. I turn around to see a werewolf charge at me. Smirking, I jump over the beast sending it crashing to the ground. I grab his leg and fling him through the air and into the tree line, narrowly missing Liam who is being surrounded. I speed over, punching my way through the wolves until I reach him.

"Need a hand?" I laugh before getting back into fighting position. A werewolf tackles me from behind, slamming my face into the dirt, repeatedly kicking me in my ribs. Just then another wolf flies through the air knocking the wolf to the ground, giving me time to pick myself up off of the ground. I run up to the beast kicking it in the face full force sending blood flying through the air. All of the sudden two wolves lunge at me, pinning me to the ground. I hiss at them, thrashing around desperately trying to break free from their grasp. No luck. I look to the boys to see that the exact thing has happened to all of them. We're dead.

"Well that was easy!" I hear a familiar voice laugh. I turn my attention to the tree line to see him standing there with an amused expression all over his smug little face.

"Nathan!" I growl, thrashing around more harshly.

"Where is the girl?" He says walking towards me.

"What?" Liam says obviously confused.

"Alexandria! Where is she!?" He yells, spit flying out of his mouth. I turn myself to face Liam giving his a small little smirk which he happily returned. Alex escaped! You can hear Niall's laughter in the background. Nathan stomps towards him clearly not happy.

"I wouldn't be laughing if I was you, Horan." He states kicking him square in the face.

"If you were me you'd see how fucking pathetic you are." Niall laughs, spitting out blood.

"Pathetic!? I'll give you pathetic!" He shouts, his face red with anger. He moves to kick Niall again, only for him to vanish into thin air.

~Nathan's POV~

"Where is he!?" I yell, getting fed up with everyone disappearing. I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around only to be punched in the face. I look around but don't see anyone. Grace. All of the sudden pain radiates through my body and I start levitating in the air. I can't move, I can't breathe. Grace reappears in front of me, her hair the brightest red I've ever seen.

"I warned you dogs! Now I'm mad, and people get hurt when I'm mad!" she yells flinging me through the air and against the side of the house. Zayn appears out of the trees ripping the werewolves off of Liam. Grace walks towards me, kneeling by my side.

"I know what you have been doing Nathan. I know what you've been saying to her in her dreams. I know what you've shown her. I also know that she will never come to you. You'll never ever win." She says staring deeply into my eyes.

"I will kill you, then Alex, then anyone you or her have ever loved. Including the Irish bastard!" I declare.  

"I think I'll like you better unconscious!" She shouts slamming her fist into my face knocking me out cold.

~Graces POV~

I stand above Nathans unconscious body, blood covering his face and shirt. I turn around to see the rest of his army staring at me.

"I'm going to give you all something that Nathan here has never given you! A choice!" I shout pointing at their fallen leader.

"You can choose to stay here to fight, or you can gather up your injured and return home to your families!"

"How much blood should be spilled on account of this angry little man? He wouldn't even blink if any of you were to be killed. All he cares about is revenge." I state walking through the army of men.

"Take him and go! Because I promise you, if you choose to stay, you will die." I state standing beside Harry and Michael. The wolves look around at each other before slowly spreading out to gather up their injured. Jay and Max make their way up to Nathan picking him up and carrying his weight on their shoulders. They all make their way through the trees before disappearing back into the forest.

~Molly Grace xx

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