Chapter 10: Crush?

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~Alexs POV~

My eyes flutter open, a noise awakening me from my deep sleep. I hear light snoring of Louis coming from behind me causing me to giggle. To think he came in here because he was complaining about Nialls snoring. I feel something wrapped around my waist i look down to see Louis' hands wrapped around my waist, a slight blush came upon my cheeks. I turn around so I'm facing him. He looks so peaceful and innocent, and adorable i might add. I just lay there for what feels like forever taking in his features. How could someone so beautiful be something so gruesome. I could think of nothing worse than being immortal, an internal life all based on craving blood, killing people and things just to survive, it would be pure torture. Louis' eyes flutter open meeting mine, a smile spreading across his face that i cant help but return.

"Just so you know starring at people while they sleep tends to freak them out." He laughs stretching.

"I wasn't starring at you." i say quietly a blush spreading across my cheeks.

"Hey I'm not complaining love." He says with a grin. I cant help but smile. All of the sudden my stomach rumbles. I realize i haven't eaten for a long time, this is probably the longest i have gone with out food. Louis Chuckles.

"Looks like someones hungry. Want me to make you some food love?" He asks positioning himself so he is sitting up.

"Sure." is all i can say because before i know it Louis pulls me off the bed and runs downstairs with me over his shoulder. When we reach the kitchen he plunks me down on the counter and moves towards the fridge.

"So what do you want to eat?" He questions looking through the fridge.

"Depends really what can you cook?" i laugh.

"Pancakes?" He asks.

"Defiantly!" I reply a smile spreading across my face. He grabs out the ingredients for the mix and starts throwing them into a bowl. He grabs the flour and starts measuring it and then pours it into the bowl. all of the sudden he looks up at me with a cheeky grin on his face.

"What are you smirking about?" I ask him.

"You have a little something on your face." he laughs.

"Really where?" i ask wiping my face with my hands.

"Right.... HERE!" he shouts throwing a handful of flour at me. oh hell no! its on now! i get up and run towards the eggs and grab two and smash them in his hair. He stands there in shock.

"OH HELLLLLLLL NO!" He shouts charging at me with the bowl of pancake mix. He grabs and hand full at throws it at me. But luckily I'm a ninja and i ducked just in time. This turns into a massive food fight. There is food flying everywhere, splatting on the walls left and right.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!?" Someone shouts. We turn around to see a very angry Liam. We look at the ground trying to avoid Liams angry gaze.

"Well? Spit it out!" He yells in a fatherly tone.

"Whats going on? Whats with all the yelling?" Says Grace appearing from around the corner, followed by Niall, Harry and Zayn. They all burst out in laughter when they see the kitchen.

"Jesus Christ Louis I told you to behave!" Grace laughs struggling to catch her breath.

"It was her fault!" He shouts pointing at me.

"How the bloody hell was it my fault!?" I shout.

"Because you made it to easy!" He laughs. I stick my tongue out as a response.

"Well I don't care whose fault it is! you guys are going to have fun cleaning it all up!" He says in a fatherly tone.

"BUT!" We both shout simultaneously

"No buts! Go on get started!" He shouts pointing at the kitchen. i look around the kitchen at the mess we made. God this is going to be a long day.

~Nialls POV~

Haha sucks to be them right now! Once you get Liam started he wont stop.

"Well i guess we will leave you two to it then."Harry says walking back down the hall no doubt going back to bed. I follow him into the room but not before giving Louis a cheeky smile. I plop myself onto my bed and stare at the ceiling. There has been something i have wanted to ask Harry for a while now, but i don't know if i will like the answer. i turn my body so i can see him. He is sitting on the end of his bed writing in his book, i wonder what he writes in their because he writes all the time but never tells us what about. The question is eating away at the back of my mind, if i don't ask him now i will go insane. Ah stuff it!

"Hey Harry mate." i say quietly

"Yeah?" He replies continuing writing his eyes never leaving his page,

"Ugh, I was wonderin' do ya, you know. like Grace?" i ask hoping that he would answer no. His head shoots up from his page and a look of panic writing across his face.

"What would make you think that mate?" he questions his voice shaky.

"I don't know, its just when i see you with her, its just seems like you do." i say looking at my hands.

"I don't know mate, i mean she is a amazing girl and i feel something for her but I'm just not sure what." He mumbles running his hands through his hair.

Great so now i have to compete with harry for Grace. I can't let her fall in love with him. I need to do something and i need to do it fast, before its to late.

{Naww we got some flirting happening! And seriously i don't blame her for staring Louis is gorgeous! Vote and comment and make me the happiest little nerdling ever! love you guys! <3 :D }

~ Molly Grace xx

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