Chapter 11: Disturbances

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~Alexs POV~

"And, done!" I exclaim wiping up the last bit of pancake mix from our massive food battle. i know it was fun to do but Jesus Christ its hard to clean up after!

"Finally! That took forever!" Louis exclaims laying down on the counter top.

" Maybe it would have gone faster if you actually helped Louis!" I laugh sitting on the counter top opposite from Louis.

"But that's no fun!" He whines throwing his hands up in the air. As he does his shirt goes up a little showing his abs. Seriously!? Is this boy trying to kill me? Louis turns to face me and smiles cheekily when he sees me staring.

"Take a picture love, it last longer." He says chuckling. I look down, i can feel my cheeks warm up probably making me look like a tomato. Louis gets off the bench and walks towards me.

"Youre cute when you blush." He says stopping in front of me. He lifts up my head, i try to avoid his gaze.

"Alexandria, look at me." He says softly. I slowly move my gaze towards him, stopping at his gorgeous blue eyes. I feel like I'm in a trance, he moves his gaze down to my lips and back to my eyes. I can feel myself to start to lean forward towards his lips. He move forwards as well, our lips only a millimeter apart.

"Well arent you two busy little beavers!" Someone laughed from the doorway. We turn our heads to see two grinning boys.

"Mate Liam told ya to clean the kitchen not her tonsils!" Niall laughed. Louis shoots them an angry look. Harry and Niall just brush it off.

"If ya don't want to be disturbed mate don't do it in my territory!" Niall says walking towards the fridge. Me and Louis move away from each other awkwardly. Why did they have to ruin it! i really enjoyed having Louis so close to me.

"Not my fault you're to chicken to do something with Grace." Louis says crossing his arms across his chest. Niall looks stunned.

"Low blow mate!"  He says shoving a grape into his mouth. Wait! What!?

"You like Grace!?"  I shout at Niall, he starts to turn pink.

"What about Grace?"

I turn my gaze towards the door to see a very confused Grace.

"We said its to bad you missed out on the show!" Niall said before any of us could speak.

"What show?" She asks.

"Louis and Alexandria almost kissed!" Harry said giving Louis a cheeky smirk.

"Ohhhh, that's interesting!" Grace yells with a big cheesy smile across her face.

"Nawwww! They gon' get married and have babies and i'm gon' be an auntie!" She squeals jumping around the room like a toddler. I can't help but laugh at her. Harry puts his hand around Graces waist.

"Our kids grew up so fast!" He exclaims wiping away fake tears. Louis and i start laughing causing everybody to erupt into a fit of laughter. Well everybody except for Niall he just stares angrily at Harry, who still has his hands around Graces waist. Boy that guy has some serious jealousy issues.

"You guys are horrible!" Louis laughs.

"And bloody proud of it!" Niall says proudly.

"Niall thats not something you shou-"


I jump ten feet in the air. What the hell was that?! From the looks on everybody else face I wasn't the only one thinking it.

"What was that!?" Liam yells running down stairs Zayn following closely behind.

"No idea mate. But from the sound of it I think its coming form outside." Niall says turning to Liam.

"Okay. Grace Zayn and I will go check it out." Liam says walking towards the door. They all leave slamming the door behind them, leaving Niall, Harry, Louis and me in the kitchen. We all stay quiet listening out for any sort of noise. Noting, not even a squeak. I look over a Louis who seems to be in deep thought. Damn he looks hot when he is thinking- wait what snap out of it girl! I look over at Niall who seems frusterated over something, but i can't tell what. Then i look over at Harry who is looking worridley out of the window.

"Ugh! why does he always do this!" Niall shouts running his hands through his short blonde hair.

"Do what lad?" Louis questions with a confused look on his face.

"He always takes Grace out to things that are dangerous!" Niall shouts.

"Because she is the strongest out of all of us!" Louis shouts back obviously getting annoyed by Nialls behaviour.

"Jesus Christ! That's all I fucking hear! She is the strongest! She is also still a human Louis! For fuck sake it's like you don't even care!" He shouts his face turning red.

"Don't you dare say that Horan! You're not the only person who cares about Grace! So sit down and shut up!" Harry shouts, his hands clenching into fists.

"Ok break it up both of you! Nothing bad is going to happen to-"


"Grace!" Liam and Zayn shout. We all run outside to find Zayn and Liam knocked out against a tree. The Boys speed towards them trying to wake them up and i just stand in the doorway frozen in fear. What the hell is going on!? I start looking around at the trees when i see something that makes my heart stop. A werewolf with blood and drool dripping off its razor sharp fangs. It starts moving out of the trees and towards the boys. I want to yell but somehow i can't its like I'm frozen unable to move and unable to look away. How have they not noticed it!? Come on Alex! You have to do something or else they will become dog chow!

"BOYS BEHIND YOU!!" I scream with all my might. They all turn around and see the beast.

~Louis' POV~

Oh shit!

{Longest chapter ever!! Hahaha. Hopefully you guys like it! I'm going to be updating more often now! I just want to thank everybody who is still reading this! I know it isn't the best book but it still means allot that you come back to read the next chapter! So Vote and comment and you will make me the happiest person ever! Love you guys! <3 :) }

~ Molly Grace xx

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