Chapter 16: Crush

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~Louis POV~

"EVERY TIME! THAT YOU GET UNDRESSED! I HEAR SYMPONYS IN MY HEAD! I WROTE THIS SONG JUST LOOKING AT YOU! OH OH OH! YEAH THE DRUMS THEY SWING LOW! AND THE TRUMPETS THEY GO!" We all sing as we return home. I can't remember the last time we all had o much fun. I think having Alexandria here is good for us. I look around and stop when my eyes meet her, she's laughing and running around with Grace, she seems so happy. She looks so beautiful.

"Chicks don't like it when you stare mate." Luke laughs.

"Only when the catch you." Calum says laughing.

"Creeps." I laugh.

"Hey we aren't the one checking out the human!" Luke laughs.

"She is hot though." He adds. I shoot him a glare.

"Watch it mate."

"Just ask her out you freak." Says Calum.

"He is to scared bro." Luke says to Calum.

"It's simple Louis!" He shouts.

"You walk up to her and say, ' Hey baby, you looking hot tonight!'" Calum says walking up to Luke.

"The she says ' Thanks you sexy beast!'" Luke says in a girly tone back to Calum.

"Hey you wanna go out some time?"

"How about we just go back to mine baby?"

"Lets go!" They shout out running off to the others, laughing their asses off.


They're right though. It should be that easy, but it's not. I can't ask her out.

It will only end badly.

~Ashton's POV~

"Michael tell me I'm pretty!" I yell grabbing onto his shirt.

"No way man, you're fucking horrible! Get away from me you peasant!" He laughs walking off dramatically.

"Why wont anyone tell me I'm pretty!" I cry.

"You're very pretty Ash." Grace says giving me a hug.


"Nope." She laughs.

"I think you're pretty mate!" Louis says putting his arm over my shoulder.

"Thank you! finally someone loves me!" I yell.

"But I'm way prettier than you." He laughs.

"Alex! Is Louis prettier than me?" I yell.

"You're both bloody disgusting!" She laughs winking at us. I look over to Louis who is starring at Alex with a smirk on his face. We enter the house and walk into the lounge room.

"Excuse me?" Louis laughs.

"You heard me." She laughs.

"You know that you think I'm hot Alex." He says winking at her. She turns around with a smile on her face.

"What?" Louis asks.

"Its just, I don't think you're hot Louis. I think you're sexy." She says biting her bottom lip walking towards him. Grace and Harry turn their heads over hearing the conversation. Their jaws hit the ground in shock of what they just heard. But it slowly turns into amused grins as they wait for Louis response.

~Louis' POV~

"W-What." I stutter, hardly believing my ears. Her eyes travel up my body before stopping at my eyes.

"Always have." She adds, stopping centimetres in front of my face. She smiles running her hands in my hair. She slowly inches closer towards me lips. I close my eyes and lean forward to close the kiss.

But my lips don't meet hers. I open my eyes to see that she had moved back, she stands there with a small grin on her face.

"Dream on loser." She says with a chuckle walking out of the lounge room. I watch her walk away, letting what just happened sink into my brain. I look over to Grace and Harry to see them staring at me with huge grins on their faces.


"Sucked in bad mate." Harry laughs.

"Shut up." I say walking upstairs and into my room, slamming the door behind me. I collapse onto my bed, and stare at the ceiling.


{Hey guys, I told you I would be updating soon! This story is so much fun to write and I hope it is fun to read. Thanks for reading and if you like it don't forget to vote and comment! I have been reading all your sweet comments and love them! I love you guys and hope you had a great day! Love you! <3 <3 <3}

~ Molly Grace xxx

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