Chapter 3: Punishment

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~ Alexs P.O.V ~

I wake up in the same room as last night. My blood soaked the sheets. My body aches with pain, I can't move. I just lay there covered in my own blood staring at the ceiling. When all of the sudden I hear people arguing outside the door.

"Why didn't you tell me she was here Liam!"

"We tried to! You don't pick up your phone!"

I can recognize one of the voices as one of the boys from the woods, the other voice belongs to a female. Wait are they talking about me?

"Well where is she?"

"Spare room, she is fine. Harry was looking after her last night while we were hunting."

I hear foot steps come towards the door and unlock it. The door slowly creaks open to reveal a gorgeous girl not much older than me. She had long red hair and deep blue eyes. She looks at me and her eyes widen with shock. She runs to the side of the bed and strokes a strand of hair out of my face.

"Oh my god, are you ok Alexandria." She says in a worried tone. I slowly shake my head to say no.

"Liam! Bring me the first aid kit quickly!" She shouts. Not even a second later a boy runs into the room with the first aid kit.

"Shit! What happened to her!" He says opening the first aid kit.

"Well lets find out." She says grabbing ahold of my hand. The memory of that night flashes through my mind, every single detail. She drops my hand and stands up clenching her fists. All of the sudden her hair turns bright red. My eyes widen with shock.

"HARRY EDWARD STYLES! GET YOUR ASS UP HERE NOW!!" She screams. He appears in the doorway, leaning against the frame with a smirk plastered on his face.

"What's the problem red?" He says casually.

"YOU. ARE. DEAD!" She says through clenched teeth. The next thing I know She has Harry pinned against the wall. He is no longer smirking instead he wears a look of pure fear.

"If you are going to kill him do it downstairs your scaring her!!" Shouts the boys dabbing at my wounds, I think his name was Liam.

"With pleasure." She says grabbing Harry by the collar of his shirt and pushing him down what sounds like the stairs.

"Look after her Liam." She says giving me a small smile before descending down the stairs. What the hell is going on?

- Harrys P.O.V -

I land face first on the floor in front of the stairs. Damn that hurt! I lift my head up to see Niall, Louis and Zayn looking at me with pleased smirks on their faces.

"What did ya do now mate." Says Niall smugly.

"Where you staring at her tits again hazza!" Laughs Louis.

"No, worse." I say trying not to sound petrified. If there is one person you dot want angry with you, it's Grace. They don't call her the fiery red head for nothing. She is sweet and loving when she is happy but when she is angry, you might as well be digging your own grave. I hear footsteps from the stair case causing me to run and hide behind the couch where the boys where sitting.

"Where is he!" Grace yells.

"I don't know. He is defiantly not hiding behind the couch like a little girl or anything." Says Niall. I swear to god I'm going to kill that frigging leprechaun if I survive!

"Is the couch going to save you!? You frigging idiot!" She screams. The boys look back at me they seem to be enjoying this.

"Did you enjoy it styles!? Do you like beating girls when you don't get your way!?" She shouts.

"Wait what's going on here?" Says Louis slowly.

"Your best friend here tried to rape Alexandria, but he decided to beat her with a belt would be more fun!" Screams Grace.

"HE DID WHAT!!!!!" Yells Louis.

"YOU BASTARD!" Yells Niall.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU HARRY!?" Yells Zayn. Oh shit goodbye cruel world!

"I don't know it just happened." I say softy.

"BULLSHIT! You just so happened to whip her!!" Grace screams tears falling from her eyes. Niall looks at Grace, if there is one thing he doesn't like it's seeing her cry.

"You disgust me Styles." He says looking me up and down shaking his head, before going over and hugging the now full on crying Grace.

"Niall take Grace upstairs. We will take care of him." Say Louis. I look at my best friend with wide eyes, what the hell does he mean by take care of! Niall nods and lifts Grace up bridal style carrying her up the stairs.

"Zayn, get me a belt." Louis says looking deep into my eyes. Zayn does as he is told and goes to find one.

"What is wrong with you Harry! You have turned into a completely different person. Beating Alexandria, how could you! You know why she is here!" Says Louis. Zayn returns with a belt with silver studs on it. Shit thanks Zayn! I get ready for the beating about to occur. Louis raises the belt above his head.

"For Alexandria."

{Ok ok I know it isn't really that good but I was having a major case of writers block an decided to be nice to Alex. But anyways hope you enjoyed it! And will be updating as soon as possible! Thanks love ya!}

~Molly Grace xx

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