Chapter 9: Teaming up with coach

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Hi guys! I like to apologise for my absence, but life has been busy though I tried to write a bit each day to reach this amount.

Before you start; know this that you are always welcomed on the Instagram.
ID: artimis110_wattpad

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Enjoy the chapter. 😍
(Three weeks later)

Alexander p.o.v

"Bye dad."
"Have a nice day sweetheart."

After making sure she went inside of the school, I started the car and went to the place where I have this important meeting.
When I reached my destination, I checked my suit one more time and went inside the cafe.
Ah! There he is; sitting on the furthest table next to the window.

"Good morning Alexander."
"Good morning David."

Yes! Ashley's coach! I understood something in the past few weeks that Ashley looks up to him as her role model.
The moment she steps her foot in the house after a session, she starts talking about the new things she was taught.
She tells from the beginning to the very last end; pouts when she talks about the times she got punished and smiled about the times she succeeds in striking David.

Athena and I decided to talk with David about her academics. Maybe he can help us with that too.
She is smart; no doubt about that, but she doesn't make effort for it.

We sat and ordered coffee.

"So Alexander... we're here. How can I help you?"
I sighed, a deep one, and looked at my coffee.

"I guessed right then, but she is good at gym. To be honest I've never had such a talented and hardworking student yet naughty." He chuckled at the end, and I smiled too.

My girl is such a trouble maker! And I'm very well aware of that. Nonetheless I didn't want to beat around the bush, so I went to the main point which I came here for.

"She is intelligent in academics, but she doesn't even care about it! She just goes to the school then comes back, and her assignments won't be done unless the last seconds of deadline." David looked at me with wide eyes.
"I thought her grades are reasonable... she told me that she'll work on her studies as much as her sport." I smiled at David. Sorry man my girl is such a talented actress too! She even deceived you!

"Well, I don't say her grades are bad. They are not bad, but not the top grades that I know she is capable of getting." I paused when I remembered something then chuckled at the memory.

"Last year, I promised her ice creams in exchange of As and Bs..."
"Oh Alexander! You spoil her too much!" David cut me with an accusing tone.
I brought my hands up in surrender.

"I know... but... she is my babygirl... I got her TEN years after my son... the moment she opened her eyes in my embrace, I promised myself that I'll defend her in any way I can." At the end my voice trembled a bit; remembering those old feelings.

David opened his mouth to speak, but I stopped him with my hand.
"I can't punish her. It's hard for me to do it to my little girl. Athena may not voice it, but I'm sure that she has the same feeling, so we want you to do it for us."
He raised his eyebrows.

"Academics too?"
"If that's not a bother. You're free to say no David and..."

"No I agree. I help. It's such a shame to let her talent go down the drain, but I have to be sure about something."
"Yes please. Go ahead."

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