Chapter 15: HER

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After breakfast everyone dressed up to head out on the very well-deserved Sunday.
Ashley as her per invitation that she received by her coach, David, the moment that she got out of the gym, she decided to walk to the gym since it wasn't that far.

When she got inside the gym the scene in front her made her surprised and amazed.
"Do you like it?" Coach David asked his trainee.
"It's amazing coach!"
"It'll get more amazing in a few minutes."
"OH MY GOD! I'm gonna get straight As if that's the prize every time that I get an A."

"This Sunday is amazing, coach. I never thought that you would invite me to this belt competition to be honest!" Ashely looked at her coach with amazement obvious in her voice.

"I promised you that I would if you get an A on your math exam."

"But, again!" Ashley suddenly was interrupted.

"Come cub! I'll practice with you a bit before the show begins." Brandon called Ashley.

"Even if I don't have a match now?" Ashley yelled.


Ashley quickly ran to go near Brandon when something stopped

her by pulling her back using her collar.

"Coach!" Ashley whined at the sudden pull.

"Stretch then go!" David talked with her calmly.

"Ok! I promise! Let me go now, coach!" Ashley tried to leave but

she was pulled back again.

"Remember! I'm your coach, not him." David said somehow possessively.

Ashley smirked and decided to mess a bit with her coach. Why not?! Who was Aashley without teasing people?

"Nah! I'm your trainee." She stood aside a little just far enough from David to be safe for what she planned to say next. "But... who said I'm yours only?"
After she said that, she ran to Brandon who was standing next to Jack while she stretched her arms on the way.

"You have a session with me this Monday which is tomorrow Miss

Johnson." Coach both teased and threatened her.

Ashley suddenly stopped in her tracks then quickly ran back to her coach with an innocent face. David raised one of his eyebrows.


"I'm your trainee coach." Ashley said slowly and in an innocent way.

"Give me your hand." David smacked her shoulder teasingly lightly.

Ashley grinned brightly and did as she was told. David as his usual habit wrapped bandages around her fist and knuckles.

"Try to learn from your seniors. The reason that I invited you is to learn and gain experience. Experience
that you can only learn in years of practicing, but today is free in front
of you. We don't live that long to
learn from all of our mistakes, so
you should keep an open eye and learn from others' experiences to grow."

"Yes coach. I understand. I may be a tiny teeny bit naughty, but I can be serious too." She answered seriously.

"That's why I accepted you."


"Go and play a bit. Stretched well before fighting. I don't want you injured a day before an important session. Remember that you're not here to have a match. Have fun if
you want but don't tire yourself."

David went to his office and left Ashley in the thoughts of what he
just said.

Why did he say those things to me, Ashley thought. Although she was a bit curious, she didn't investigate more and quickly went to her seniors. Any other time, and she would investigate, but now she was too excited to spare with her seniors to care more about what her coach had said.

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