Chapter 19: The Unfamiliar Voice

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After the shower I wore my clothes then dried my hair. As I was cursing school in my mind, I sat down to study for tomorrow’s test.

I’ll buy ice cream for all the people in the gym if I get an A! I promise! However, something is bothering me. Why am I feeling uneasy?

“Holy crap! Tomorrow is Monday! Coach! New teaching techniques!” My eyes widened as I realized that tomorrow is indeed Monday.

“Didn’t I tell you not to crouch, huh?” Coach yelled.
“Yeah… yes coach you did.” A tear fell from my eyes.
“Get out!”
“I said get out, Ashley!”

“No!” I woke up with sweat on my forehead.
I quickly stood up from my bed while I was breathing fast. I quickly left my room to drink some water. As I arrived at the first step, I saw Alec who was walking with his messy hair.
“Alec?” No response.

He jumped a bit and looked around.
“What?” His voice was hoarse.
“What are you doing at this hour?”
“Says someone who is here out in this hour out of her room.”
“I want to drink some water.”
“Well, I’ll come, too. Just to drink some water.”

I narrowed my eyes and twisted my eyebrows. He seemed too suspicious! Anyway, it doesn’t matter. I need to sleep soon since I have a couple of important things to do tomorrow.

Both of us walked down the stairs while the only thing that was heard was the sound of our feet. This silence with both of us at a time was rare. When we reached downstairs, the lights of the kitchen were on.

“Why are the lights on?” Alec murmured.
“I don’t know! Maybe it’s a thief.” I whispered.
“Should we call the police?”

I looked around the salon to find something sharp, and the only item that I could find was a small knife left from the last night on the table. I quickly picked it up and signaled Alec to follow me. We quickly went inside the kitchen ready to take action.

“On the ground!” Alec shouted as we entered the kitchen.
“What are you two doing at this hour? Don’t you have classes tomorrow?” Dad spoke rather sleepily.

“Dad! It’s you! You gave us a heart attack.” I accused him.
“Why would I do that?” He was so confused.
“We thought that a thief was inside the kitchen!” Alec was quick to add.

Dad started laughing while I looked at him with narrowed eyes.
“For your information dad, it isn’t funny at all! I was thinking what to do if the thief had a gun!” I sighed.

Dad came close then wrapped his hand around my shoulder.
“Sorry to make you worried, but I didn’t know that my two children would wake up in the middle of the night.”

“Why are you awake, dad?” Alec asked.
“That’s not the important question. Why are you two awake?” He asked suspiciously. “Are you two going for another prank?” He held my hand just to make sure that I wouldn’t run.

“What?! No!” Alec tiredly replied.
“No dad. We just wanna drink some water, but we got caught in the middle of an imaginary thief.”
“Then drink it and go to sleep. You both have classes.”

I nodded and headed to the water dispenser. After a glass of water I went upstairs to sleep. Although I tried really hard to sleep, the thought of my dream wouldn’t let me do so.

I tossed around on my bed. I took some deep breaths. I walked a bit in my room, but nothing worked for me. I puffed and sat down on my bed.

“This is not good… If I don’t sleep, I won’t be able to do my test tomorrow!”

Deaftedly, I laid down again and put the blanket over my body. The warmth of it gave me some sort of comfort. While trying to sleep I thought of what happened today.

Today at the gym was really fun. I enjoyed it since I can tell that it was a new experience for me. A chuckle came to my face as I remembered how I kicked Brandon. I should’ve kicked harder!

Something still bothers me, though. Why would Coach call me coach!? Like… I’m sure that I have a very very very long way to become one, so why did he have to say that? I hate secrets. Last time, it didn’t end well with dad! I’m not sure what will happen this time! With these thoughts in mind I finally went to sleep.

(Next Morning)

I woke up earlier than my clock with a sharp pain under my stomach. I opened my eyes, and sleepily walked to the bathroom to be met with the view every month. Yeah! You guessed right. My period was here, without invitation! That’s rude!
Forget about that! I have an important gym session and an fu*cking math test! What a great sequence. Note the sarcasm guys!

Nevertheless, I changed and dressed up in my uniform, then I headed to the Kitchen to eat. I need a lot of fuel for the day with this condition of mine. Like always the early bird, my mom, was in the kitchen without dad which is not a surprise. He was probably exercising in the gym. Thank you period for ruining this chance for me today.

“Good morning.” Mom’s cheerful voice greeted me first.
“Morning.” My voice wasn’t cheerful like hers.
“What's wrong?” Mom asked worriedly.
“Nothing much.”
“I remember you were fine last night.”

“Key point, mom: WAS.”
“I don’t get it.” Mom was confused.
“It’s my period.” I was annoyed.
“Here, sit down. I’ll make you some soothing tea.” I nodded.

After ten minutes dad’s figure came into the kitchen.
“Good morning, love.” He kissed mom.

Then, he came to me and kissed my forehead.
“You didn’t come today Ashley. Are you fine? Did you sleep well?”
“Slept? Yes. Now… I feel pain.”
“What? Where? Do you need to go to the doctor?”
“No, dad. It’s my period.” I answered him while I sipped from the tea that mom got ready for me.
“Then, eat well. I’ll give you a ride.” I nodded and continued eating.
For now, my problem wasn’t my period. The big problem was the test in the first period.

I finished my breakfast before I took my bag and went to school. Dad as usual gave me a ride and advised me to keep it low today and not to burn the school. As if that was what I always did. Well, I might have done something in the past, but we don’t need to count them.

“Save me god, today from the math test!”
“Why do you think he will save any of us from it?” I heard an unfamiliar voice.

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I like cliffhangers. 😉
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