Chapter 16: Coach Ashley

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"I think I found my heir to be the next coach."
"Interesting. Who's he?"
"Who said anything about HIM?"

"I want to see HER." His coach said eagerly.
"Not now. She is miles away from what I want her to be. It'll take years." David sighed.
"Don't nag. If she could catch your eyes to be in your position in future, she's fit enough to reach there soon."
"I hope so, coach."

After their conversation was over, David looked at Ashley who was messing around with her seniors, mostly either climbing their shoulders or trying that kick on them to check whether it works or not. David chuckled when he saw that she punched his best trainee on his abs. That was when he was sure she's the best choice.

Time passed quickly, and it was match time. David whistled and invited everyone to sit in their place. Ashley who was confused where to sit looked at her coach signaling him with her eyes. David pointed to the only seat available which was besides his own seat. Ashley at first was hesitant, yet she shrugged it off since she thought that she had nothing to fear. In fact, she didn't have a match to be afraid of. As a result, she sat down next to his chair excitedly waiting for the match to begin.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the 30th belt competition! Today, Shining Star Gym is honored to be the host of this competition. Please enjoy the show!" David talked behind the podium.
Everyone went crazy clapping and shouting. Ashley was so confused looking at the girls going crazy. Her coach's coworker looked at her confused face and chuckled.

"Confused huh?"
"Why are people like this? They aren't even from this gym! They aren't even fighters or athletes!" Ashley asked rather confusedly.
"Well Johnson, look at your coach. What do you see?"
"Coach David?" Ashley answered matter of factly.
"And a handsome man. Also, a fine fighter. He's quite famous in this field."
"I would kick them if I could." Ashley was somehow angry.
"You should come here to workout and improve! Not to fangirl or fanboy over an oldie whom you do not know! It's a waste of time! People should prioritize their schedule! We don't live that long to waste our time like this!"
"God! I wanna see David's face when you call him an oldie!" He laughed loudly.

Ashley shrugged and just smiled at the thought of telling that to her coach. She wouldn't probably live to see the sun shine other days if she told her coach an
oldie right into his face.

"Nah! I like to have a long long long life. I'll pass." Ashley answered, aware of the consequences.
"Now I know why people call you wise now."
"Me? Ashley Johnson?!!!" Ashley laughed loudly not believing what he had just said.
"What's the matter with you? Of course I'm talking about you!"
"Oh trust me! I'm nothing close to being wise. My bestie always says that he prefers to ask a mentally ill human for advice rather than asking me for one! The same goes with others. People at my gym are too nice and polite."

"Do not underestimate yourself, trainee." This time David interrupted her while sitting next to her.
"Umm... It's a far-fetched coach." She looked into his eyes.
"Who said long distances can't be paved Ashley?" David talked casually as if he was having a normal conversation over a tea party.
"I'll take that into consideration coach?" Ashley replied in an uncertain way.
"Good. That's all I want for now of course. Later things change with me, remember." He said seriously.

The referee entered the ground, thus that caught everyone's attention. He stood in the middle of the mat whistling for the two first fighters to come on the mat.
Ashley looked as Brandon and a guy walked on the mat. She inspected Brandon's opponent as he was getting ready.

"More muscled... taller... Soooooo... Brandon wins!" Ashley talked with herself as her voice was lost between the screams and shoutings of spectators, but her coach heard her since he was sitting next to her.

"From when you're an expert coach on this field Ms. Johnson?" It became more of a sarcasm.
"Ouch! That hurt coach! In my defense, I was being professional!"
"Aha! And, what part of it was professional? I didn't realize that we can analyze people based on their figure these days!"
"Coach! I'm being serious." Ashley looked away.

"Ok ok! Don't be sad. Tell me what's on that mind of yours that made you say that right in front of me!"
"Well... Life is expensive these days, so what's in it for me?" She talked like a mafia ready to get her share from a cassino.
"Free deal tomorrow." he chuckled at her attempt to skip tomorrow's academics; however, he played along with her.
He was curious to see what she had on her mind since she has never talked about skills during fights or people's bodies.

"Well to begin with, he's taller than Brandon, so it makes it a bit hard for him to go for kicks in the places where he can score. Secondly, As I understand from people here, he's not that good in technique. Brandon on the other hand has a good technique even if he's not that muscled yet. Generally speaking, I think he has no chance in front of Brandon. Don't get fooled by his big buff body!"

David looked stunned at Ashley. He couldn't believe what he just had heard from her. To him, it was way too early for the girl next to him to talk in this way.
I should speed things up with her, he thought. Ashley was growing fast enough to reach high places which was making David more and more stunned about this specific girl.

"Yes coach?" She answered him while looking at Brandon who was getting ready.
"Have you ever thought of continuing this sport professionally?"
"Hmm... Haven't thought of it much, but I'm not gonna leave it like that for sure. Let's see what the future brings, coach."

As she ended her answer, the referee whistled and the match began. Brandon was the one who made the first move. He started with a front kick which his opponent as it was anticipated by Ashley dodged.

"Who on earth starts a fight with a kick!" Ashley shouted among the people there who were cheering for the fighters.
"You..." David was cut in the middle of his words by Ashley.
"NOT there! His upper body!"

David raised one of his eyebrows and looked at her quite amused. In order to tease her a bit he hit her shoulder lightly.
"What do you suggest Coach Ashley then? Hmm?" He asked jokingly.
"Attack from his side! His opponent is fatter than my neighbor, coach!" She said matter of factly.

David looked at them with sharpened eyes. After his inspection was over, the first round was over. Thus, David went to give some hints to his trainee. Meanwhile Ashley looked around to find some targets to mess with. Unfortunately, there was none to be messed with. After her little effort to prank, which failed due to the mass amount of people, her coach came and sat next to her.

"You're good Coach Ashely!" David smiled.
"HUH? Coach Ashley?
"Yes. You are. Why not Johnson."
"What's in your mind, coach?"

I hope you like it 😍

So... Coach Ashley huh?

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Take care 😁

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