Chapter 4: This was just the beginning?!

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After packing my stuff, I went to dad's study and knocked.
"Dad, will you give me a ride?"
He stood up from his chair.
"Is my babygirl excited?"

I grined widely. "Yes! Let's go!"
Ashley p.o.v

How will it go? The big obvious question in my mind. Is there a way to check the future and then come to present? Because I'm in the need of this technology right this instance!

I'm holding my bag so tightly that my knuckles have turned white. I had no fu*king idea of... okay Ashley rule one, don't curse even in your mind! Rule two, stay calm and act like a proper human! Okay those rules are harder than I thought.
Well... things are gonna change right?

"We're here honey." Dad's voice got me out of thinking.
"Thanks dad. Wish me luck!" I said kinds nervously.
"Don't worry sweetheart, everything will be fine. You'll see it soon. Enjoy!" Dad tried to cheer me up.
"Yeesss! Bye dad!"
"Bye." He chuckled probably from the change in my tone.

Nevertheless I entered the the gym. Here goes nothing! I looked around, trying to find coach. But he was no where to be found. Where should I find him? Maybe I should ask someone. As I looked around, I found a guy drinking water; probably resting so I decided to ask him.

"Excuse me..." He turned his head to me.
"Yes? Something wrong?" He answered gently.
"Umm... no but... can you please tell me where Coach David is? I have a private class with him but I can't find him." He chocked on his water.

"Yes?! Is it bad?" What is wrong to have a class with that guy?
"No! Not at all. It's just I'm surprised. Usually people avoid his private class, but you're looking for him to have one." He chuckled at the end which got me to laugh as well.

"I get it now. He is the nicest trainer around, isn't he?" I made fun of his sentence. He laughed loudly.
"Your so right miss! I'm Jace by the way." He put his hand forward for a hand shaking. I grined widely, glad that I found my first friend here.
"Ashley." I shook my hand. "Nice to meet you Jace. You really helped me with my stress."

"Like wise. Don't mention it. Mr.Smith is a great trainer. Just don't get late and speak politely. Then you're good."
Yeah! You have no idea how polite I was!

"Where is he anyway?"
"You see that brown door over there?"
"He is inside, probably at the end of someone's session."
"Thanks again. I'll see you around Jace."
"It's all good. See you around."

That was a good start. I feel awesome now. If I can find a friend who is much older than me, I can face everything. With the boosting energy that I received from Jace, I went to the brown door that I was guided to.

When I got near it, I heard coach's voice.
"If you don't want to be committed toward it, you're free to leave my class. I don't force anyone to stay." He sounded so cold and scary.
"No coach! I promise, I'll work hard. Just one more time, huh?"
"Isn't it the second time?" Damn! What a sarcasm! I just got chills by listening to it.

I didn't hear anything after that. Should I enter? I mean five minutes is left. Nevermind, I'll knock. That's the safest choice!

I knocked.
"Yes?" I peeked my head inside.
"Ummm... Hi! I was looking for you coach. When should we start?" I tried my best to be polite.

"It's fine Ashley come inside. We'll start on time." He smiled a bit.
I walked in and stood aside.

"You promised, Brandon. Remember!"
"Yes coach!"
"That's enough for today. Go and change." Then he turned to me. "I'll be right back Ashley. Waite here for a second."
"Okay." He left the room then.

The moment he did, Brandon guy turned to me.
"Run! As fast as possible!" He said in a hush tone. I laughed at his attempt, trying to warn me.

"Yeah... I know. I've heard before pal."
"If you're here in this room, it means you want to practice martial arts. Is that right?"
"Yup!" I said with a hint of excitement in my voice.
"Best of luck then! I'm Brandon. I'm a kickboxer." My eyes sparked.

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