Sightings and suspicions

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Travis' pov:
It was a day like any other at the station; Vic and I had just come back from a call that requested the aid car. But other than that, it had been a quiet day.

Then the klaxon alarm went off:
Ladder 19, engine 19, aid car 19 requested at 1748 Pine Lane.

Speaking of quiet.

Ben's pov:
The team left for a call and I was stuck at the station for stupid desk duty. Minutes felt like hours. So far I had only had 3 calls asking how to change a smoke alarm. Then a girl who looked identical to Montgomery walked in.

"May I help you?" I asked.

"Uhm yea, is uh-is Travis Montgomery here?" she stuttered nervously.

"Not right now, he's out on a call at the minute but he should be back soon." I replied

"Oh ok, I'll go then."

"You could stick around and wait for him to get back?"

"No it's ok, I'll go."

And with that she was gone. When I say she looked identical to Travis, I meant it. She had the same freckled face, the same brunette hair and even the same nose. 

Then I heard the team pull up.

"Montgomery!" I called into the barn.

He came running through to the desk.

"Yea?" he asked.

"When you guys were out on call a young girl came in asking for you," I informed him.

"Did you catch her name?" he questioned curiously.

"No, I forgot to ask," I sighed.

"Although she did look identical to you, she looked to be about 13-14."

"Ok thanks Warren, keep me updated,"

"Will do!" I called after him, as he had already started walking away.

Travis' pov:
When we got back from the call Warren called me to the front desk and told me that a young girl had come looking for me. By his description it sounded like my little sister.

I felt the colour drain from my face.

Y/N was dead. Wasn't she? 

I went to speak to Vic to take my mind off of Y/N.

Vic's pov:
I was helping Gibson cook in the beanery when Travis came looking for me.

"What's up buttercup?" I asked, chuckling to myself until I saw how pale he was.

"Travis? Dude you good?" Gibson said.

"No I-uhm I'm pretty sure Y/N was here earlier."

I felt the colour drain from my face.


"I uh I don't know. Warren just told me that there was a teenage girl looking for me and by his description, I would've guessed that it was Y/N."

"Who's Y/N?" one of the guys from b-shift asked, walking in.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Getting some paperwork. But more importantly, who's Y/N?"

"My baby sister," Travis said, tears threatening to spill.

"The dead one?" The guy questioned insensitively.

I was about to lose it, then Captain Bishop walked in. Maya used to be my friend, that was until she became captain, now she's kinda an asshole.

"What's going on 19?" she asked.

"Hughes was gonna hit me!" The guy exclaimed.

"I was! Only because he was being an insensitive jerk!"

"Okay okay, Vasquez, get going. Vic just don't do anything stupid." She shouted.

"Come on 19! Get back to work!"

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