Waking Up

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He hugged me one more time before jogging to Y/N's room. I knew that this would be a bumpy road for us all, especially them.


Travis' pov:
I sat down on the couch next to Y/N's bed and held her hand,
"Please wake up bumblebee, we all need you, I need you."

After I had spoken, I felt a faint squeeze on my hand.

"Y/N squeeze my hand if you can hear me."

Y/N's pov
I slowly felt myself becoming conscious again. Feeling a hand in mine; I squeezed it.

"Y/N squeeze my hand if you can hear me."


I squeezed his hand again and opened my eyes, wincing at how bright it was.

"Hey sweetheart, how you feeling?" Travis spoke softly.

I tried to talk but nothing came out.

"Hey, it's ok. Don't try speaking just yet. I'll go find your doctor, okay?"
And with that, he walked out.

I tried to remember why I was in hospital, but I just couldn't remember; what happened? Was it my foster parents? Or had I done this to myself again?

My thoughts came to a stop when I heard the door opening again.

"Hi Y/N! I'm doctor Robbins, do you know why you're here?" The friendly looking pediatric surgeon asked me.

"N-no," I managed to stutter out. "Why am I h-here?"

"You overdosed sweetheart,"
she stated. "We managed to pump your stomach, but we will have to get our specialists from psych to do a psychiatric evaluation on you, just to ensure you are not a danger to yourself. If all goes well, then you should be able to go home soon after."

"Ok, can I have some time with Travis first?" I questioned, felling slightly anxious at the mention of going 'home'.

"Of course I'll be back shortly for my hourly check-ins," Dr.Robbins said, beaming her contagious smile at us.

"Thank you doctor," Travis thanked gratefully, before turning to look at me sympathetically.
"So..." he started, "where have you been all this time?"

"Rehab and bouncing around numerous horrible foster homes."

"You've been alive this whole time," Travis repeated to himself, still struggling to believe the statement.

Author's note:
Hey my lovelies! I am actually so sorry for literally ghosting you all. I've had a rough few months. Sorry it's so short. Hope you're all doing as well as can be, I'll always be here to talk if anyone needs to vent/rant. Hope you enjoyed 💓

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