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TRIGGER WARNING: Substance abuse, minor panic attack

If you find any of the above triggering, please don't read this. Please know your limits and take care of yourself.

Lmk if I missed anything triggering, so I can add it to the warning.

We all piled into Travis's car after deciding to go to a small café for lunch. Trav and Vic sat in the front whilst I sat in the back with Lucas.

Picking at the skin around my nails, I stared out the window.

I was extremely nervous to go out properly for the first time in 3 years.

As if he picked up on my anxieties, Lucas grabbed my hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"It'll be ok sweetheart, we'll be with you the whole time. And if you want to go back home, we can go straight back."

We drove for another 10 minutes until we arrived at a small diner - it didn't look too busy.

We walked in and I gripped onto Travis's hand. The place wasn't particularly busy; aside from staff there were only two other groups of people.

A waiter approached and took us to a free table, he handed us all menus and took our drink orders.

"You ok?" I looked over and saw Travis looking at me compassionately.

"Y-yea just nervous," I whispered back to him.

He reassuringly squeezed my hand.

Travis's POV:
To say that I'm proud of my sister, was a massive understatement. Considering what she's been through in the last few years, and now she's out in public is a huge step.

Vic, Lucas and I were sat chatting about work, Y/N occasionally speaking up and asking questions about the calls we'd been on.

The waiter came back out with our drinks and took our meal orders.

After a while, I noticed Y/N space out a little, "you okay?" I nudged her.

"Mhm," she said, grabbing her bag and getting up, "I'm just going to the toilet real quick."

I watched as she clutched her purse and hastily walked to the bathroom.

"Did that seem weird to anyone else?" I asked, looking between the two.

"She's probably just really nervous to be out," Vic stated nonchalantly.

"Yea you're probably reading into it a bit much," Lucas added.

"Ok, I'm just worried about her, she's still young and she's been through so much."

"Y/N's a tough one, she'll be alright," Vic replied.

Y/N's POV:
Lunch was going well for a while, that was until I started to feel the high slowly going. I felt pathetic, I couldn't even make it through lunch without having to be high.

Rustling through my bag, I let out a sigh of relief when I found the small baggie. I grabbed one of the pills and took it, instantly feeling the tension leave my body.

I washed my hands and gently ran some water over my face and then Vic walked into the bathroom.

"Hey, you alright, you've been in here a while," she asked softly as she approached me.

"Yea, I'm ok, just a bit overwhelmed," I replied honestly.

"That's ok, well they just brought our food out, so we better get going."

"Ok, I'll be there in a sec, just need to wash my hands."

She nodded before walking out of the bathroom.

I took one more look at myself in the mirror before heading back to the table.

Vic's POV:
I walked back over to our table and got two curious looks from both Travis and Lucas.

"Is she ok?" Travis asks.

"Yea, she just got a little overwhelmed, but she's ok," I answered.

We saw her walk out the bathroom and instantly changed the topic of the conversation.

When Y/N sat down she looked down at her food and frowned.

"You ok sweetie?" Lucas questioned.

"Yes, I just -I uh," she stumbled nervously over her words.

"What's wrong bumblebee," I heard Travis whisper, trying to diffuse the situation.

"Do you recon they have a red plate or piece of cutlery or something?" she asked anxiously.

"I can ask, why though?" he questioned.

"I can't eat this without something red, whether that's a cup or plate or utensils," she breathed out, "like last night at dinner, my cup was red, red  is a lunch and dinner colour."

Whilst explaining her quirk, she started getting more worked up and panicked.

"Hey it's ok, we'll ask now," I said, flagging down a waiter.

Travis wrapped his arms around Y/N and went through different breathing techniques with her.

The waiter came back and swapped out Y/N's old cutlery with a set of red ones.

Third person POV:
The rest of lunch went relatively well. Y/N was a lot more relaxed and chatty, which calmed everyone's nerves, particularly Travis's.

When they all piled back into Travis's car, they decided that Y/N could sit with Vic in the back so Y/N could get used to her more.

The drive back was a calm one, Lucas and Travis chatting away, Y/N and Vic talking every now and then.

Travis's POV:
We all shortly arrived to my place and Y/N went straight to her room.

"Well it was lovely to see yous, but we better get going," Lucas said whilst getting up.

"Here I'll go get Y/N," I said after walking them both to the door.

"Y/N," I called as I softly knocked on her door.

She opened her door and we both walked downstairs to where Lucas and Vic were.

I watched as she hugged Lucas and told him bye before anxiously going to Vic.

"Thank you for today, I really missed you," I heard Vic whisper to her.

"I missed you more," she smiled and leaned into Vic's touch more.

"Right well we better get going," Lucas spoke up after a little.

We all said our goodbyes before they left.

"Hey Trav," Y/N called out.

"What's up?" I questioned, looking up from my phone to see her stood at the living room door.

"Well it's nearly my second night here and I haven't seen Michael come home at all, where is he?" she asked innocently.

After hearing those words, I instantly froze: what was I supposed to do?

How was she gonna cope after being told that one of her favourite people had died in the time she had been missing?

Author's note:

Hey lovelies! How do we think Y/N will react to the tragic news?

If you have and suggestions, please feel free to let me know!

Also, I'm not sure whether I mentioned it, but just to clear some confusion, Y/N knew everybody from the station before she went missing.

Hope you enjoyed 💞

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