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TRIGGER WARNING: Sexual assault, Starvation, Drugs

Let me know if I missed anything. Please know your limits and don't read if you find any of the above triggering.

"I think I'm ready to talk now."


Third person POV:
Y/N was curled up in Meredith's arms when her pager started beeping, she flinched.

"I'm sorry hunny, I've gotta go," Meredith said sadly.

"No please don't go," Y/N whined.

"I have to, but I'm sure your  uncle Lucas is dying for a hug!" Meredith mentioned enthusiastically, trying to encourage Y/N.

Lucas stood up and cautiously walked over to the two of them, trying not to startle anyone. He went to lift Y/N but she clinged onto Meredith more.

"It's ok sweetheart, come here," Lucas said softly.

Reluctantly, she let go of Meredith and latched herself onto Lucas.

Meredith ran out the room whilst Lucas sat down with Y/N next to Travis.

"What happened bumblebee?" Travis asked nervously.

"The day they told you, I was dead.." Y/N started.

"April 4th," Travis stated, whilst his sister nodded.

"That day was different from the others. Usually, I'd wake up at 8 o'clock to make them breakfast and do their laundry. But that day I accidentally woke up late, and they weren't happy about it. When I came out of my room, they started screaming at me. Eric hit me over and over again before dragging me to the basement by my hair," she took a deep breath before carrying on.

"Emily, his wife, locked the door and left me in there with him. Eric was always a bit sketchy, but I never thought anything of it. That was until he started touching me, he-i uh.."

Travis's POV:
Hearing my baby sister saying all this, was breaking my heart even more every second. She paused, I assumed to take a deep breath.

"Did he rape you, Y/N?" I asked, trying to get it over with quickly.

She shifted uncomfortably in Lucas's arms before continuing.

"Yeah, he uh he would do it everyday at first, but he lost interest after about four weeks and retorted to hitting and starving me instead. They gave me food every four days. Sometimes they even drugged me, and it was sorta, comforting, you know? It let me forget."

"And that happened repeatedly over the three years?" Lucas asked concerned.

She nodded.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you bumblebee," I said, feeling guilty.

"It's ok Trav, it's not your fault," she said reassuringly, before climbing out of Lucas's arms and onto my lap.

She seemed exhausted, and seeing that it was 10:30 at night, it made sense.

Lucas said his goodbyes before heading out. Leaving just Y/N and I.

Dr. Robbins poked her head into the room to check in.

"Hey Y/N, I'm just going to check your vitals quickly. And if they're looking good, you may be able to go home tomorrow afternoon." She said softly.

Y/N only nodded tiredly before moving so she was laying on my chest.

"Ok, you're looking good, how are you feeling sweetie?"

"Tired, but other than that I feel ok," Y/N mumbled into my chest.

"Good good. Do we have a home situation sorted? Because CPS are coming tomorrow to sort some things out for you."

"She'll be staying with me, at my home," I announced.

Y/N looked up at me, before saying: "You don't have to do that for me Trav,"

"Yea well you're my sister, and I would love to have you there," I said nonchalantly.

"Ok, well get a good night's sleep and I'll see you tomorrow morning," Dr. Robbins said before leaving the room.

Y/N's POV:
When the doctor mentioned 'home', I instantly tensed up. But then Travis spoke up and said that I could stay with him. Surely he wouldn't want that? I mean why would anyone want a mentally unstable teenager?

After the doctor left the room I got up to use the bathroom.

I walked over to the door and Travis asked what I was doing.

"I'm going to the bathroom," I answered.

"Oh ok, did you need any help?"

"No I'll be alright."

Opening the door, I made sure to touch the door knob four times before entering the bathroom. It earned a weird look from Travis, but I thought nothing of it. I mean something bad would happen if I didn't touch it four times; Eric and Emily might find me.

Finishing up in the bathroom, I washed my hand with four squirts of soap, just to be extra careful with all the germs. I walked out the bathroom, again making sure to touch the door knob four times.

I climbed back into bed laying myself on Travis's chest.

"I love you Trav," I managed to get out before falling into a deep sleep.

"I love you too bumblebee," I heard Travis say.

Author's note:
I hope you guys liked it!
Have a good day/night.

Enjoy 💕

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