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TRIGGER WARNINGS: Talk of death, talk of drugs, boking/vomiting

Please know your limits and let me know if anything else is triggering.

Enjoy 💞


Travis's POV:
My head was going a thousand miles an hour; what was I supposed to tell her?

I snapped out of my train of thought by Y/N shaking my shoulder.

"Trav? Did I say something wrong? I'm sorry, I'm really sorry," she anxiously rambled.

"Hey Y/N it's ok, you did nothing wrong. There's just something important I need to talk to you about," I reassured.

She sat down next to me and I put my arm around her.

"Is everything okay?"

"Uhm well it's about Michael."

"What about him? Is he okay?"

I looked over at her and she seemed to be getting even more anxious.

"He -uh," I tried talking, but couldn't find the right words.

Michael was another brother to her, sometimes it felt like she preferred him over me.

"We were out on a call and uh," I stopped to take a deep breath, "our captain made the wrong decision and Michael died."

I looked down at Y/N, and she looked as if she'd seen a ghost.

"Y/N?" I asked, softly nudging her.

"Hmm?" She hummed, still zoned out.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"I uh," she stuttered, not quite able to get any words out.

Before anything else could be said, she ran upstairs to her room and locked the door.

I considered following her, but thought that she might need some alone time: so I left her.

Y/N's POV:
This couldn't be happening right now.

I couldn't believe it.

Michael wasn't dead. He couldn't be.

My head was racing, I needed everything to stop.

I started digging through my bag looking for my pills, but I couldn't find them anywhere.

Panic instantly set in - what if Travis had found out that I was using?

He would be so disappointed.

I felt tears brimming in my eyes, as it finally registered in my head; Michael's dead.

Suddenly, I felt the bile rising in my throat as I sprinted out my room and into the bathroom.

As I leant over the toilet, I felt a pair of hands stroke my back and hold back my hair.

"It's alright sweetheart, let it out," I heard Travis say.

When I was done, I leant back in Travis's arms and started crying.

"You're alright bumblebee, you're okay," Travis tried to reassure, which only made me cry harder.

Travis's POV:
Seeing my sister in such a state absolutely broke my heart.

I knew she definitely wouldn't be able to cope, especially because I found her pills. But that was a conversation for another time.

"Why don't you clean yourself up and get an early night?" I suggested.

"Okay, but I don't want to sleep alone tonight," she said, holding onto me tighter.

"That's fine sweetheart, I'll be in my room when you're done, okay?" I assured.


Y/N's POV:
When Travis got up, I shut the door and paced the room. I hadn't touched my door knob or the bathroom's four times, and I had been sat on the floor.

Not only was I dirty, but something bad was definitely going to happen.

I stood up and turned the water on, before squirting soap on my hands and scrubbing vigorously.
After washing them for the fifth time, they still didn't feel clean.

I was about to wash them again, but Travis knocked on the door, "you alright in there? You've been awhile."

I decided to ignore him, and kept scrubbing at my filthy hands.

"Y/N?" Travis said, his voice filled with concern.

The door opened and I heard Travis gasp.

"What have you done to your hands? You were only supposed to wash them," he said before pulling my arms away.

I looked down at my hands that were now red raw and bleeding.

"Get off of me!" I shouted through tears, trying to get back to the sink.

"Y/N you need to stop," Travis said as he kept holding onto me.

"No! I need to wash my hands!" I shouted in protest.

"You have and now look at them, we need to bandage these," Travis replied.

"No I haven't, they're not clean, it doesn't count if they're not clean!"

I collapsed into Travis whilst sobbing.

"Deep breaths, deep breaths," Travis repeated as he carried me to his room.

After I had calmed down slightly, Travis spoke up again.

"Will you wait here whilst I run downstairs and grab the med kit?"

"Mhm," I hummed.

"Why don't you get into your PJ's quickly?" He suggested.

After giving Y/N one of my shirts, I ran down the stairs and grabbed the med kit.

When I got back to my room Y/N was curled up in my bed.

"Come on then sweetheart, I need to clean you up," I said softly.

"Noo," she whined, burying her head into the quilt more.

"I need to bandage them, otherwise they'll get infected."

She ignored me and rolled over so her back was to me.

"Y/N," I said sternly.

She continued to ignore me, so I gave in - "why don't you get some sleep and we'll sort you out tomorrow?"

Y/N nodded and curled up to my side as soon as I layed down.

"Goodnight bumblebee."

"Goodnight Trav."

Authors note:
Hey lovelies! Sorry it's been awhile and this chapter's kinda short.

Feedback and recommendations are appreciated.

Hope you enjoyed 💕

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