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TRIGGER WARNING: Drug usage, very brief self harm

Please know your limits and don't read if any of the above is triggering.

Enjoy 💕


Travis's POV:
I was awoken to yet another blood-curdling scream.

I rushed into Y/N's room to see her curled up on her bed gripping the quilt above her.

"Hey sweetheart, it's ok, it was just a dream," I affirmed.

"It's ok, it's ok," she repeated, needing to believe it.

I watched as she slowly loosened her grip on her quilt and moved it away from her face.

"Hey bumblebee," I spoke softly.

"Trav," she smiled softly up at me. "Can you stay with me please? I'm scared."

"Of course I can," I replied, and straight away she latched onto me for a hug.

*Time skip to the morning.*

Y/N's POV:
I woke up snuggled on Travis's chest. I looked over at the alarm clock on the beside table, 09:03.

I looked up at Travis, and he was still soundly sleeping, so I carefully got up to have a shower.

After showering, I changed into some joggers and one of Trav's shirts.

Walking back into my room, I realised that Travis wasn't there anymore. And then I could smell pancakes cooking in the kitchen.

I quickly popped a pill, and walked downstairs to eat breakfast.

Travis's POV:
I woke up to the sound of the shower running. And I realised that Y/N wasn't layed down next to me.

I went back to my room to get ready, I changed into a black shirt and some jeans.

After checking the time, I went downstairs and decided to make Y/N some pancakes.

Shortly after I heard the water shut off, the pancakes were ready, and Y/N appeared at the bottom of the stairs.

"Good morning sunshine!" I exclaimed, earning an annoyed look from my sister.

"Mhm," she groaned, still not quite awake.

She sat down and we both started eating.

"Are you excited to see Vic and Lucas later?" I questioned, and she instantly tensed.

"Umh y-yeah," she mumbled.

"Hey, if you're not ready, just say so," I reassured.

"No no, I can do it, I'm just nervous."

"I know, but there's nothing to be nervous about, ok? It's just Lucas and Vic."

"Just Lucas and Vic," she repeated.

We soon finished breakfast and Y/N went up to her room whilst I sorted out the house a little.

Y/N's POV:
I was sitting in my room contemplating what to do, should I take another pill to get me through the anxiety of this interaction? Or is it a bad idea?

All these thoughts were circulating through my brain. And I was so consumed in my thoughts that I didn't hear the doorbell go off.

"Y/N!" I heard Travis yell.

I gulped, and quickly took another pill.

I can do this.

I slowly walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, where they were all stood around chatting.

"Hey sweetheart," Lucas said, gaining the attention of both Vic and Travis.

"Hi," I mumbled, trying to assess the situation.

I didn't know what to do, the anxiety from earlier had returned and I was battling my thoughts.

"Why don't we go sit down in the living room?" Travis suggested, noticing my apprehension.

We all took a seat and I sat next to Lucas and cuddled up on his chest.

"Hey Y/N," Vic said, with a soft smile.

"Hi," I mumbled nervously.

The adults carried on with regular chat and I just sat taking everything in.

Subconsciously, I started scratching at my wrist, a habit I tend to do when nervous.

I felt someone gently grab my hand and lace their fingers with mine.


I looked up at her, and she was looking at me lovingly. Slowly, I got up and sat on the other side of Lucas and put my head on Vic's shoulder.

My movement didn't go unnoticed by the others though, I realised when I looked up and they had stopped talking.

The attention made me anxious, did I do something wrong?

Almost as if they could sense my nervousness, they diverted their attention back onto the conversation.

"Are you ok hunny?" Vic whispered into my ear.

I nodded, and leaned further into her grasp.

"I missed you so much," she said.

"Missed you more," I quietly reply.

She smiled and kissed my hairline before conversing more with Trav and Lucas.

Travis's POV:
I watched as Y/N abruptly got up and sat down next to Vic.
She was even holding Vic's hand, which is something she never did; Y/N was always too scared to hold someone's hand, as she never knew where someone's hand had been.

To say that I was proud of her was an understatement.

We all carried on making conversation for a while before deciding on what to do for lunch.

"We could go out?" Vic suggested.

Lucas and I both nodded and we all turned our attention to Y/N who was playing with the rings that Vic was wearing.

"What do you think babe, you recon you can brave it?" I heard Vic ask her.

Y/N looked up at her wordlessly and looked lost in thought.

She sat there for a bit before uneasily nodding.

"Ok, but we come back at any time you're uncomfortable, yea?" Lucas told her firmly but lovingly.

Once again she nodded.

Author's note:
Thank you for reading! I can't sleep so I thought I'd write another chapter, hence why it's probably incoherent.

Hoped you enjoyed.

If you have any suggestions please let me know.


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