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TRIGGER WARNING: Panic attack, Brief mentions of sexual assault, Self harm (potentially)

If I missed anything please let me know. Please know your limits if any of the above triggers you, then please dont read it.


"You've been alive this whole time," Travis repeated to himself, still struggling to believe the statement.


Travis's POV:


"Where have you been all this time?"

"Rehab. And bouncing round different foster homes."

*End of flashback*

"Wanna tell me what happened? And why you were in rehab?" I asked softly.

"Not really," she shrugged.

Still stubborn after all these years.

"Come on Y/N, you've been 'dead' for the past three years; I'd at least like to know where you've been!" I said, subconsciously raising my voice.

"No, no, no! Please I'm sorry! I'll tell you! Just don't hurt me!" Y/N exclaimed.

"Hey bumblebee, I'm sorry I didn't mean to."

Y/N's POV:

Travis was asking me what happened, but I wasn't ready to answer that. I just wanted to get out of this hospital. There must have been so many germs in this room, let alone the whole building.

I was broken out of my trance after hearing Travis yell at me.

Instantly I was sent back to that place, the place I never wanted to be in again.

I could hear his voice telling me how worthless I am, I could feel his hands all over me.

Pulling the hospital blanket with me, I stumbled to the corner of the room, as far away from anyone that I could get. Forgetting about the germs, I curled up on the blanket.

My hands went straight down to my wrists violently scratching at them to bring back any sense of reality.

I could still feel his hands everywhere, pulling at the waistband of my jean shorts, tugging at my hair.

I started to hear someone talking but it wasn't Travis nor my doctor's. The voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't associate it with anyone.

"That's it."
"Come on sweetheart your doing great, just open your eyes for me." The voice said. But it sounded like it was miles away.

It felt like I was slowly coming out of my dissociative state but I still wasn't quite with it.

Lucas's POV:

I was in the beanery at 19 with Vic, making myself a coffee when my phone began to ring.

"It's Travis," Vic says from behind me

Swiftly, I put the coffee down and grab my phone.

*Phone call*

Lucas: Is everything ok? Is Y/N ok?

Travis: Not really, she's stable but other than that no. I think she's having a panic attack and I can't calm her down.

Lucas: I'm on my way.

Travis: Thank you so much. We're in room 215.

Lucas: I'll be there in 5.

*End of phone call*

"Is everything ok?" Vic asks.

"Uhm, n-not really. I need to go but I'll fill you in later," I said whilst practically running out of the station.

A car journey had never felt so long and tedious until now.

After finally arriving at the hospital I ran up to Y/N's room. I walked in seeing Travis sat on the hospital bed and Y/N curled up on the floor in the corner.

"What happened?" I asked Travis.

"We were talking and I accidentally raised my voice at her," he admitted shamefully.

I decided to lay on the floor in front of Y/N to try and settle her. I was about to stroke her cheek when Travis spoke up, "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

I glared at him before stroking her face gently. She flinched at my touch.

"Hey it's ok, you're ok." I reassured her. She leaned into my touch settling a bit.

"That's it. Come on sweetheart, your doing great, just open your eyes for me."

Her eyes started opening slowly and she softly smiled when she saw me.

"Lucas," she whispered almost silently.

"Hey sweetheart I'm here."

Y/N jumped into my arms nearly making me fall.

"Woah easy there little one," Dr.Grey said, making her presence clear.

"Meredith!" Y/N exclaimed running up to hug her.

To both mine and Travis's surprise, she managed to lift Y/N without a struggle. Meredith gave us a concerned look but nevertheless let Y/N snuggle into her touch.

Y/N was particularly small for her age, and probably malnourished.

"I think I'm ready to talk about it..." Y/N said quietly as she was still resting on Meredith.

Author's note:
Hey my lovelies! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas (if you celebrate) and have a happy new year.

If I did miss anything that you'd like me to add to the trigger warning, please let me know.

Enjoy 💕

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