Truth be told

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Travis' pov:
It had now been a few days since Y/N had supposedly shown up at the station. She had been on my mind so much recently. I was getting increasingly worried about her.

Y/N was dead. Wasn't she?

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the klaxon alarm.

Aid car 19 requested at 283 Street Park

"That's us!" Andy exclaimed.

"Yup," I sighed.

*Skip to when they were at the scene*

Andy pov:
When we arrived at the scene, Travis seemed distracted, but I decided to brush it off considering everything happening with his sister at the moment.

We ran over to the patient whom I instantly recognised.


Wait no that's not possible, she was dead. Wasn't she?

Travis had obviously noticed who the patient was by now. But he decided to treat her before anything.

The patient was Y/N.

My baby sister overdosed. And I wasn't there to take care of her.

Andy and I had managed to keep her stable all the way to Grey-Sloan. We loaded her out off the aid car, where Dr.Hunt and Dr.Robbins took over.

I walked back to the aid car and sat down with my hands in my head.

I felt someone sit down next to me, then a reassuring hand rubbing up and down my back.

"How about you ask Captain for the rest of the shift off? Then you can come and see Y/N?" Andy suggested.

"Yea, I'll probably do that. Let's head back to the station then," I agreed.

The ride back was filled with a comfortable silence. Occasional reassuring statements from Andy.

*At the station*

We had just gotten back to the station and I knocked on Captain Bishop's office door.

I heard a muffled 'come in'.

"Montgomery, you okay? You're looking a bit pale," she asked concerned.

"Uh yea, so you know Y/N right?" I questioned.

She nodded.

"Well she was the patient who requested the aid car; she overdosed."

"Oh my- do you want the rest of the shift off? Because I'd be happy to let you leave,"

"Yes thank you!" I exclaimed gratefully.

And with that, I ran out of her office to grab my stuff.

On the way out, I accidentally ran into Ripley.

"Woah woah woah, slow down Montgomery. Where are you going in such a rush?" He asked lightly chuckling to himself.

"It's Y/N, she uh-she she's alive," I managed to get out without breaking down.

"What? But I thought she-uh, what?"

"We all did. We all thought she was dead. I mean she might be now, so I need to go see her," I told Ripley, nearly running out of the station.

Y/N and Lucas had such a sweet realationship. When Y/N was younger, her foster parents, Lucy and Brian, would  drop her off at the station for the day every Sunday. Unfortunately, Lucy and Brian didn't last long, I don't know the exact reason, but apparently they were dealers.

When I got to the hospital I run up to the nurse's station.

"Which room is Y/N Johnson in?" I asked. I always hated using her foster parents' last name.

"Uhm room 215," the receptionist replied.

I sprinted to her room, only to find my worst nightmare coming true.

Authors note:
Hi loves! Sorry that this part took so long, I've just come out of hospital, and now I'm going on holiday. I'll try to update as much as I can.
Thank you for reading!
Enjoy 💕

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