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TRIGGER WARNINGS: Talk of addiction and substance abuse,

Please let me know if I've missed anything triggering.
Enjoy 💕


Station Part 1

Travis's POV:
I woke up to the sun peering through the window. I rolled over to see Y/N sound asleep next to me.

Slowly, I sat up and got dressed for the day: I was thinking of taking Y/N to the station today.

Maybe it would be a good thing to see everyone again, or maybe it would be too much.

I thought that it would be reassuring and beneficial to talk with Robert about Y/N's addiction. Seeing as he's been through it, maybe he would be able to help me approach the conversation with her.

I made my way downstairs to make myself some coffee and to try and arrange the events of the day.

Looking over at the clock, I realised that it was 09:58. So we could go to the station for lunch or something.

I felt myself start to zone out whilst trying to plan the day so it wouldn't trigger Y/N.

Y/N's POV:
I woke up and immediately felt that it would be a terrible day.

I was exhausted and my whole body was aching, not to mention the burning sensation from my hands.

After laying in bed for a little, I decided to get up.

When I got downstairs, I got some coffee and sat down at the island opposite Trav.

"Morning," I mumbled.

"Morning sweetheart, how are you?" he asked.

I shrugged in response, not really having an understanding of my feelings.

After sitting in a comfortable silence for a while, I spoke up again,

"Are we doing anything today?"

"Uhm, I was thinking," Travis paused in hesitation.

I could feel myself getting nervous at the pause; what was going on?

"What if we went to the station today?" he asked.

I sat quietly for a moment, weighing my options.

Nothing bad could happen at the station, I used to go all the time.

"Ok," I replied, "but please not for too long."

"Alright that's fine, I was only thinking for lunch. Plus, I need to speak to Robert."

I nodded.

"Why don't you get dressed and then I'll bandage your hands," he suggested.

"Ok," I agreed.

I walked back up the stairs and ran my hand up the wall, something that had brought me comfort when I was a kid.

When I went into my room, I sat down on my bed and took a deep breath.

Today will be absolutely fine, I tried to reassure myself, but it wasn't working too well.

After a few minutes of thinking, I got up and actually got dressed.

I walked downstairs and found Travis so he could sort my hands.

"This is going to sting a little, bumblebee," he said, refering to the antibacterial cream he had.

When he put the cream on, my hands felt as if they were on fire.

"Ow," I let out a low whimper.

I tried to pull my hands away from Travis but his grip was too tight.

"I'm nearly done sweetheart, I'm just doing your bandages," he said, whilst looking at me sympathetically.

"And all done," he said with a grin.

I looked up at the clock and realised that it was nearing 11:30. Meaning we would have to leave soon.

Slowly, I got up and went to my room to get my converse.

"C'mon sweetheart, we need to leave in a minute!" Trav yelled from downstairs.

"Coming!" I exclaimed.

Quickly, I put my shoes on and met Travis at the front door.

Silently, we left the house and got in the car.

"Who's going to be at the station?" I questioned, feeling my chest go tight as we pulled away from the house.

"Andy, Vic, Jack, Maya, Robert and Ben," he replied.

Feeling content, I nodded. Until I realised; I didn't know who Ben was.

Before I could ask any more questions, we pulled into the all too familiar carpark.

"You ready?" Travis asked.

"Not really," I said unbuckling my seatbelt.

Here goes nothing, I guess.

Authors note:
Sorry this chapter is shorter and took so long!


I will be doing a part 2 to this, next chapter.

Hope you enjoyed 💕

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