CPS visit

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TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of past sexual assault, drugging, abuse, starvation

If I missed anything, please let me know.


"I love you too bumblebee,"

Travis's POV:
I was awoken to the sun shining through the thin hospital curtains. Looking down, I saw that Y/N was still fast asleep on me.

Carefully, I slid out from underneath her trying my best not to wake her. However, she stirred anyway.

"Trav?" she asked.

"I'm right here sweetheart," I reassured.

"When can we go home?"

"After CPS visit and give us the confirmation."

She shot right up in panic at the mention of CPS.

"Hey, it's alright. I'm sure they won't find any reason as to why you can't live with me."

"Ok, I just want to get out of here; this place is filled with germs," she said with a shiver.

Y/N's POV:
I can't wait to go home with Trav, I even get to see Michael. I'm so excited.

Travis walked into the bathroom just as Dr.Robbins waled in.

"Hi sweetheart, I'm just going to check your vitals," she exclaimed happily.

"And if they're ok, I can go home?" I asked hopefully.

"After CPS visits, then yes."

*Time skip to CPS visit*

Travis's POV:
CPS had just arrived and Y/N was freaking out.

"Bumblebee, calm down, everything will be alright," I tried to reassure.

"Everything will be alright. Everything will be alright," she repeated as the two CPS workers walked in.

"Hi Y/N," one of the workers said happily.

"Hi," Y/N mumbled, reaching out to hold my hand.

"So from today's conversation, we hope to sort out your housing situation, and ensure you can live with your brother, correct?"

She nodded.

"Verbal answers please!" the other worker exclaimed, clearly exasperated.


"Ok great. Why did you run away from your previous family?"

"They weren't nice to me," she whispered, evidently extremely anxious about having to talk about the situation again.

"What did they do that wasn't nice?"

"He hurt me,"

"In what sense? Who is he?"

"Eric Johnson. He hit me and raped me. He would go days without feeding me and he drugged me." Y/N said before starting to cry.

"Ok, you're doing really well Y/N. Now can we ask for Travis to step out for a few moments?"
the nicer worker spoke in a soft tone.

Instantly, Y/N looked over at me, panic evident on her expression.

"No, no Travis don't go!" she cried.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, it will only be a few minutes. And I will be right outside the door."

She was getting more and more worked up as I tried to pry her death grip off my shirt.

"Why don't I ask Meredith if she can sit in here with you," I suggested after seeing Meredith walk to the nurse's station.

"Ok," Y/N whispered, tears still streaming down her face.

Reluctantly, she let go of my shirt and let me get Meredith.

Meredith's POV:
I was stood at the nurses station signing a chart when Travis approached.

"Hey Meredith, sorry to bother you, but could I borrow you for a sec," he asked, sighing heavily.

"Of course, is everything ok?"

"Uhh yea, Y/N is with CPS right now and they want to question her without me there, so we where wondering if you could sit with her?"

"Of course, I would be happy to!"

"Oh thank you so much," Travis said, letting out a sigh of relief.

I walked into Y/N's room to find her huddled in the corner, hugging herself tightly.

"What happened?" I questioned the social workers.

"We tried to address the situation but she wasn't having it," one of them replied, rolling her eyes.

"She's traumatised for god's sake! Of course she's not going to talk when she's feeling so vulnerable," I whisper-yelled at them.

I turned around to talk to Y/N and as soon as she caught my gaze, she jumped into my arms.

"Please don't let them take me Mer, I'm sorry, I'll be good,"
she anxiously ranted.

"Hey hun, shh it's ok, you're not going anywhere," I reassured, walking around, rocking her in my arms slightly.

After a few minutes, she calmed down and I sat us on the bed, Y/N sat in my lap cuddled against me.

"So Y/N, we asked Travis to step out so he didn't influence your answers, ok?"

"Ok," she whispered, nervously playing with the material of my scrubs.

"Do you want to go home with Travis?"

"Of course I do."


"Because he's my brother and I know I'm going to be loved and safe with him"

"Ok, well Y/N, when your discharge papers are signed, you'll be able to go home with him," the nicer social worker calmly explained with a soft smile.

"Thank you," Y/N said a little louder.

"It was our pleasure!" They exclaimed before leaving.

"You hear that sweetheart? You can go home later with Trav!" I happily said, trying to lighten the mood.

She simply nodded into my chest before dozing off.

A few minutes later Travis walked in.

"Hey, is she ok?" He asked, clearly and inevitably concerned.

"Yes, she's alright. We had a little wobble at first, but it went alright. And she gets to come home with you!"

"I know! I'm so glad she'll be safe."

Author's note:

Hi my loves! This is mainly a filler chapter so it might not be as entertaining. But I hoped you enjoyed.

Let me know if you have any suggestions.

Also, like I mentioned, I reposted the three chapters before this as they weren't in the right order. Could someone please let me know what order they're in now? Because I'm not sure if it's right, so just tell me the titles of the three chapters before this please.


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