Worst fears

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I sprinted to her room, only to find my worst nightmare coming true.

Travis' pov:
I walked into Y/N's room in rush only to find her flat-lining.

"Bumblebee?" I whispered to myself, using her old nickname Michael gave her.

"Who let him in here?" One of the nurses said.

"Somebody get him out!"

I was hurried out of the room by that nurse and on my way to the waiting room, I bumped into Meredith.

"Travis? What are you doing here?" She questioned.

"I uhm, Y/N is here."

"But I thought..." she trailed off not being able to finish.

"We all did. But apparently she's alive, or she was."

"What do you mean?"

"I walked into her room and she was flat lining,"

"I'm sure the nurses are doing everything in their power to save her. I can go check on her if you want?"

"Yes please."

She left after flashing me a small smile and a comforting pat on the shoulder.

*Back at the station.*

Lucas's pov:
I couldn't comprehend what Travis had told me. I went to turn around and talk to him, but he was already out of the door.

I was broken out of my trance by a voice.

"You ok there sir? You look like you've seen a ghost," Bishop asked walking out of her office.

"I uh yea..."

"Is it Y/N?" she asked knowing that the two of us had been close.

"Yeah, I just I can't wrap my head round this," I replied, before walking off not being able to bare talking about her.

Meredith's pov:
I walked into Y/N's room, relieved to see that the monitor was steadily beeping. I sighed and stood there for a moment; this poor girl had been supposedly dead for 3 years. What happened in that time? What did they do to her?

I stood there for a little longer before realising that Travis was probably worried. I rushed out of Y/N's room to find him pacing the waiting room.

"Travis," I spoke softly.

He turned his head abruptly.

"She's okay. She's back."

He sighed with relief.

"Oh thank god!" he exclaimed.

He hugged me and then went on to ask when he could see her.

"You'll be able to go in there now. Oh by the way, she could wake up any minute, so make sure to get either Alex or Owen when she does," I mentioned.

"Thank you so much Mer."

He hugged me one more time before jogging to Y/N's room. I knew that this would be a bumpy road for us all, especially them.

Authors note:
Hey lovelies!! Sorry it took so long to get this next part out. I'm currently writing the next part, but I've got a bit a writer's block; any suggestions or recommendations would be much appreciated. Enjoy 💕

-Poppy :)

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