What's happening?

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Trigger warnings: shutdown, meltdown

Please let me know if I've missed anything triggering.

(^I think that it's for the trigger warning, but I'm honestly not too sure)

Enjoy 💗


(The night before)

Amelia's POV:
It was nearing 11pm when I had finished my shift at the hospital. However, just as I was about to leave, I received a message from Travis which made my stomach drop.

"Sorry to disturb your shift, but it's Y/N. Are you able to come over tomorrow morning so we can have this talk? It's urgent."

In a state of panic, I swiftly typed out a response, agreeing to see them both tomorrow morning. But right now, I just needed to go home and get some sleep.

(Current time)

Sitting in my car, I took a deep breath. Y/N is seriously struggling, and we need to help her before it's too late.

As soon as I pulled up to Travis's house, I wasted no time in getting out of my car and knocking on the door.

Momentarily, the door opened and Travis smiled softly at me, "thank you so much for this Amelia, I really can't thank you enough."

"Please Travis, there's no need to thank me. I just want to help your sweet little girl," I replied.

He smiled once more before stepping to side, allowing me into the warm home.

Upon entry, I spotted Y/N's fragile figure curled up on the sofa.

Y/N's POV:
Squinting my eyes, I slowly stretched my aching limbs; I was still in Travis's bed, but he was no where to be seen.

Just as I was getting out of bed, I heard the doorbell go.

Alarm bells started ringing in my head: no one was meant to be coming round. Why is someone else here?

Using all the strength I could muster up, I lifted my body off of the bed, and hauled myself downstairs and onto the sofa.

I was still in a panic-stricken state, due to my lack of familiarity of routine. Usually Travis and I should wake up and eat breakfast together: well, he eats and I pick at the food.

However, I was brought out of my daze when I felt a soft hand on mine. Out of instinct, I pulled back and yelled, "don't touch me!"

Quickly, I moved my body away from whoever was next to me and started rocking back and forth in attempt to regulate.

"Hey Y/N it's ok, it's just Amelia," Travis said, in attempt to soothe me, however, too much was going on around me.

Travis's POV:
After letting Amelia in, I turned around and realised that Y/N had made her way downstairs, and had curled her disheveled body on the sofa.

However, whilst approaching her, I noticed the vacant expression on her face.

"Is she ok?" Amelia asked, clearly picking up on the unresponsiveness of the teenager.

"I don't know," I sighed, "this has been happening a lot since she's been home, she just shuts down, but then acts out."

Amelia and I shared a look of sympathy, before she cautiously walked over to Y/N. I watched as she placed her gentle hand over Y/N's, however Y/N's body jolted and she yelled, "don't touch me!"

Both Amelia and I backed off and watched as the distressed girl scrambled to curl into a ball.

Carefully, I crouched down in front of Y/N and whispered to her, "it's just Amelia, it's ok."

However, she started shaking her head and clamped her hands over her ears after hearing this.

"No, no, no," she mumbled repeatedly, whilst squeezing her eyes shut, to block out any extra stimuli, I could only assume.

I watched helplessly as my baby sister continued to rock her body back and forth.

"Has this ever happened before Travis?" Amelia asked, concern written all over her face.

"No, not whilst she's been with me anyway. Oh my god what do we do?" I rambled panicking even more.

"Call Lucas, he knows how to help her," Amelia suggested.

I nodded in agreement and pulled my phone out calling Lucas. It was a very brief phone call: just me explaining what had happened, and he said he'd be here right away.

Y/N's POV:
Everything at once. Imagine hearing, feeling and seeing everything at once. It's too much; it's what led me to be here in this position on the sofa.

I couldn't cope with touch, my skin felt as though it was on fire after the hand touched me.

I could feel pins and needles in every part of my body, it brought a burning sensation. I kept tensing my muscles to seek some relief, however, it wasn't working.

I could hear my heart pounding in my ears, as well as Travis's muffled voice, however I couldn't work out what he was saying. I could hear the buzz of the lights and cars zooming past, on the busy Seattle streets.

I could see the lights, but they were 100% brighter than usual: they burned my eyes. The sight of two figures sat in front of me became visible, however my tears blurred my vision.

I kept my hands clamped over my ears, slightly tugging, hoping to relieve the overwhelm of sounds.

Squeezing my eyes shut didn't help either; I thought maybe it would block out the lights, but it didn't. This however, caused me to spiral ever further.

It was almost as if someone had turned everything in the world up to 100%. There was so much, yet so little, going on around me.

Before I knew it the familiar figure, which I had come to realise was my brother, stood up and walked out of my eye line.

What was happening?

Authors note:
Bit of a different chapter, let me know what you think.

Is there any other characters you want to either see/ see more in the story? Whether that be from the station or the hospital, just let me know.

Thank you for reading 💞

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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