Going Home

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TRIGGER WARNING: Nightmare, panic attack, implications of sexual assault, brief mention of drugs

Please let me know if I've missed anything, triggering.
Enjoy 💕


"I'm so glad she'll be safe."

Y/N's POV:
It was 4am and I was back in Eric and Emily's basement: how'd I get back here?

I heard the door slam open and the heavy breathing of a very drunk Eric.

"Get up!" He yelled, coming even closer to me.

"No no no!" I screamed trying to get him away from me.

He grabbed me by my hair and dragged me so I was standing up. Then I heard the all too familiar sound of his belt clicking undone.

Suddenly, I felt someone shaking me and saying my name repeatedly.

My eyes shot open as I bolted upright and gripped my chest

"Y/N, it's ok, just breathe," Travis said softly.

"I-i can't," I spluttered, stumbling over my words as I did so.

A doctor walked in after hearing the rapid beeping of the heart monitor but Trav told them he had it under control.

"Y/N, can you hear me?"

I nodded

"Ok, I'm going to move so you're sat with your head on my chest yea?" He spoke, as he moved me around.

I nodded desperately trying to get out of this spiral.

"And you're going to match your breaths with mine."

We sat there for 30 minutes, so I could calm down properly.

"You feeling better now, bumblebee?"

I nodded, tiredly.

"Go back to sleep, I'll be here to protect you, ok?"

After hearing that, I fell back into a deep sleep.

Travis's POV:
After witnessing, Y/N's panic attack, I felt incredibly sorry for her. How could someone traumatise such a kind, charismatic, young girl?

It was now 4:37 and I couldn't get back to sleep; I didn't want to sleep, just incase Y/N had another nightmare.

So I didn't.

Time felt as if it was going in slow motion.

I had been sat with my own thoughts for so long, that I didn't even notice the sun coming up, and shining through the thin hospital curtains.

Y/N stirred awake, as Dr.Robbins made her way in with breakfast.

"Good morning Y/N!" She beamed at us.

"Mmm," Y/N tiredly groaned.

"Ok, so I've brought you breakfast and afterwards, you should be all good to go home."

She shot right up excitedly at the mention of going home. Making both Dr.Robbins and I chuckle.

Y/N ate her breakfast, after Dr.Robbins did a routine check.

"I can't wait to get out of here," she sighed.

"And I can't wait for you to come home with me," I mentioned, grinning at her.

After breakfast, we both got up and got ready to head home.

Y/N's POV:
"Lucas is outside, you ready?"
I heard Travis say.

"Yep, one moment," I said as I walked into the bathroom.

I made sure to touch the door knob four times, before locking it quietly.

I started rummaging through my backpack that I brought to the park that day, sighing contently when I found the little baggie filled with white pills.

Walking out of the bathroom, I  touched the knob four times once again, which didn't go unnoticed by Trav this time.

"Why do you do that?" He questioned as we walked through the halls of the hospital.

"Do what?"

"You touch things four times, you love organisation, and you shiver at the thought of any type of germ," he noted, clearly picking up on my past behaviour.

"Because the number four is lucky, plus if I don't associate things with four then something bad is going to happen. And I love organisation because then I know where or when something is," I replied nonchalantly

"Ok," Travis shrugged, content with my response.

We carried on walking until we reached the exit and spotted Lucas's car.

Travis helped me in the car and then got in the front with Lucas.

"How're you doing sweetheart?"
Lucas questioned looking at me through the rear view mirror.

"I'm ok, excited to go home," I sigh.

"I bet. Are you up for a visitor? If not we can give you a little longer."

"Uhm, who would it be?" I asked, nervously chewing on my lip.

"Just Vic and I possibly tomorrow?"

I stayed quiet contemplating my options, and he looked back at me.

"If you're not ready we can wait a bit longer, but she really wants to see you," Travis spoke up.

"Ok, I-uh I think I can do it," I said, fiddling with my hands.

"Ok but if it gets too much then we can leave," he stated whilst pulling into the drive way.

"Let's say Vic and I come round at twelve and we can get lunch together."


We all got out the car and Travis unlocked the door. He turned around and looked at me expectantly. But I'm stood frozen on the spot.

"Bumblebee?" He asked softly.

I grabbed onto Lucas's hand and shakily walked inside.

"Let's go see your room, yea?" he suggested.

I nodded, my hand still latching onto Lucas's.

Travis's POV:
I showed Y/N her room and left her so she could get settled.

"Thanks for the help man, I really appreciate it," I said gratefully to Lucas.

"No problem, I'm just glad she's ok," he stated. "Well, I best get going, but I'll see you tomorrow."

"Ok, see you tomorrow," I said, showing him out.

Author's note:
Thank you for reading! Is there anything yous would like to see in future chapters?

Also, I know it may seem like I'm skipping over the topic of Michael, but he will be mentioned soon.

Enjoy 💕

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