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TRIGGER WARNINGS: Drug addiction and substance abuse, withdrawal, suicidal thoughts

Please let me know if I've missed anything.

Enjoy 💕


"Y/N, is that you honey?"

Panic washed over me as I realised who was stood in front of me; she was no stranger, she was Amelia Shepherd.

"Amy?" I questioned, still in a daze of my own.

"Yeah, I'm here sweetheart. What are you doing out at this time though?" She questioned, whilst glancing down at her watch.


Shit, how was that already the time.

"Why don't I walk you home honey?" She offered.

"Oh uh yea ok," I stammered.

We walked home in a comfortable silence. However, I was starting to feel the withdrawal hit me; I had a splitting headache and was yearning for some pills.

Amelia's POV:
I seriously couldn't believe my eyes; after going missing for so long, here Y/N was, walking beside me.

On the walk back to Travis's I didn't want to overwhelm her, so I didn't talk. But I couldn't help but wonder what that man could've wanted.

Before I knew it, we were already back at the house.

Y/N opened the door and held it for me.

As soon as he heard movement, Travis ran straight to the door and breathed a sigh of relief after seeing who was there.

"Y/N! Thank god you're ok! I thought something had happened to you," Travis exclaimed, whilst trying to hug his sister.

Y/N just shrugged him off before running up to her room.

"Travis?" I questioned, after he went quiet, "what on earth is going on?"

He went and sat down at his kitchen table and put his head in his hands.

"Come and sit down then," he mumbled.

As I sat down he started to speak, "Y/N showed up at the station, a couple days ago, her foster parents literally had her locked in a basement."

"Oh my goodness," I breathed out.

"They treated her terribly," he continued, " they even drugged her, and now she's addicted. But I don't know what to do."

I looked up at Travis to see that he had tears pouring down his face.

"Oh Trav," I sighed, "have you spoken to her about it?"

"No, I don't know how to address it, I did speak to Robert earlier thought, but I'm still not sure."

"Do you want me to try and talk to her?" I offered.

"Yes please Amelia, that would help so much, but not yet. I think we should give her a day or two to just cool off, and then we can talk to her."

"Ok, just let me know when you want me to have a word with her, and I will," I said.

"Also, before I go.." I started, not too sure where I was going with it.

"Yeah?" Travis questioned.

"When I found Y/N earlier, she was running away from some guy at 283 street park, would you happen to know anything about the guy?"

"Well I'm going to need a little more information," he chuckled.

"Yeah sorry," I laughed, "he was quite stocky, just a tad bit shorter than her, so maybe 5'10?  He was brunette, and quite beat up, but he looked to be around late 20's."

"I honestly wouldn't know who that was," he sighed in frustration.

"Ohh ok, well I just thought I'd let you know," I said whilst standing up and walking to the door.

"Yeah, thank you so much for making sure she was safe, I couldn't thank you enough," Travis said, whilst walking me to the door.

"Yeah no worries, I love that girl so much, just let me know when you want me to talk to her, and I'll be round."

"Yeah, thanks again Amelia, I'll see you later," he said whilst opening the door.

"Bye Travis," I waved whilst walking off.

God I hope Y/N will be okay.

Travis' POV:
After saying bye to Amelia I realised that it was half 10 already, so I decided to get ready for bed.

As I walked up the stairs, I decided to check on Y/N.

I knocked on her door and received a faint 'come in'.

Y/N's POV:
As soon as I got to my room, I buried myself under my quilt and took a few pills before going to sleep.

However, I was woken up by a knock on my door.

I muttered a small come in, before opening my eyes.

"Hey bumblebee, just thought I'd come and see you before bed," he stated, whilst sitting down next to me on the bed.

It took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the light, but when they did, everything was blurry. My head was foggy, I didn't remember where I was at first.

"Y/N? You alright?"


"Hmm?" I hummed, closing my eyes again.

"Are you okay?" Travis asked, whilst feeling my forehead.

"Yep just tired."

"Okay, I'll let you sleep, goodnight bumblebee."

I buried my head under the pillow and waited for Travis to leave.

After Travis walked out, I sat up and stared at the little baggie.

Should I do it? I could finally be at peace.

These thoughts circled my mind for a while.

Until I decided....

Author's note:
I'm so sorry I disappeared for like 4 months, but I'm back now, and updates should be once or twice a month again.

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and have a happy new year.


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