Ticci Toby

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You were invited to the party and when you showed up loud music was exploding from the living room. "Hey! Y/N's here!" Jeff yelled as he pulled you into the living room and he started dancing. You felt a little uncomfotable so you went into the kitchen and sat down next to Ticci Toby who was stuffing his face with waffles. He noticed you sit down and he gave you a plate with waffles on it. Two hours had past and you and Toby were talking abut how he killes his victums and danced to the music. Until I finally yelled for everyone to gather in the living room. "SEVEN MINUTES HEAVEN!!!!!!" I called out and they all sat down. I grabbed BEN's hat and everyone put in an object. I went over to you first. You were hesitant but stuck your hand in and felt something really sticky. When you pulled it out it was a waffle with serup dripping from it. "Man you can keep the hat" BEN said and went back to his video game. "Aww I knew this would happen!" I said as I grabbed you and Toby's wrist. I threw Toby in first and then you. You crashed into Toby's chest and it made you blush hestarically. "Um! S-Sorry Toby!" You said nervously. "For what?" He said and you quickly moved away from his grasp. "Nevermind" you said and leaned up against the wall.

You felt something hit the floor, like metal or something then felt a pair of lips crash into yours. You were surprised at first but melted into the kiss. Toby's hands grabbed your waist and pulled you closer into his body deepening the kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he leaned you back up against the wall. He went from tyour lips to your neck to your collor bone, you gave off a slight moan with this sensation running up and down your body. Toby gave a silent chuckle and slid his hand up your shirt lightly brushing his hand on your skin making you moan a little more and making you quiver.

"Y/N I want you to be mine. Will you be my girl?" Toby said as he lightly kissed down your stomach. You stopped him and pressed your lips against his as a yes and before you realized the door swung open and there were dog whistles and a camera flash. Toby picked up your shirt and put it back on covering your upper boddy then picked you up bridal style and you sat on the couch in the middle of a heavy make-out session too busy to pay any attention to the rest of party.

I leave the rest to your imagination

A/N sorry thisone was so short, I was alittle lazy but I hope you enjoyed it anyway!

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