Authors Note

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Hey guys, I'm sorry but this isn't an update. I'm running really dry on ideas for ALL of my stories and I need a bit longer to find my inspiration. I'm sorry that it's been way too long already, but I'm under a lot of stress at the moment with trying to graduate this year and writers block which I really really hate. So, until I can find my creative juices again, all my books are on pause.

Writing these things for you guys is NOT easy. It's especially hard to make each scenario different from the others.

Slenderman: "You should go lay down for now, Diva. You're going to give yourself another week long migraine again. I'll take over here."

Me: "Thanks Slendy, you're the best!" *walks out of the room*

Slenderman:*clears throat* "I hope you all understand her delema. She's always locked away writing nonstop to make sure her scenarios are perfection."

Jeff: "Don't worry, I'm sure she'll be back and fresh as... well... She'll come up with some awesome, new, and fresh ideas as soon as she can."

LJ: "We'll take good care of until she's ready to srart writing again. Until then, we'll see you guys again soon!"

Creepypasta 20 minutes in heaven!!! (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now