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A/N: Thank you to Mezhere for the awesome suggestion! I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while there's a lot that I have to do and school is starting up again so I'll be a bit more busy, but I'll always make time for my awesome readers so don't worry! Anyway, here is The One! The Only... OFFENDERMAN!     

As you walked down the thin path through Slender's forest you looked around only to find that it was getting darker. Looking up, the sky was now a faded dark blue so you decided to walk a little faster to get to Slender's mansion where the party was taking place. Yesterday Smexy (offender man's nickname) came by along with Slenderman, personally inviting you to a get together  that Diva (me) was throwing for a welcome-back-offenderman party! Smexy was your nickname for Offender man because he never wore a shirt under his black trench coat always revealing his rock hard abs and you weren't afraid to admit that he looked really sexy, so you often called him Smexy which he oddly loved. You guys had been good friends; mainly because of your dirty sense of humor. You both loved seeing the flustered reactions everyone gives when they start to understand the joke. Though occasionally you got just as flustered as they were whenever Smexy tells you a joke. It takes everything you have not to get so fustered.

  As you kept on walking you started to hear some rustling a few feet away behind a cluster of trees. You stop dead in your tracks not making the slightest of movement. You stay quiet as you continued to listen and the rustling was only getting closer. You slowly turned in the direction where the noise was the loudest and stared straight ahead, eyes narrowed slightly cautiously. Just as you were about to call out the noise stopped and you stood there in silence, nothing but the soft wind breezing through the branches of dead trees.

"Well well well, a girl as lovely as you should be out here alone. It's almost dark." Says a silky smooth voice. A voice you are all too familiar with.

"Ah, but you see, I am not alone." You say in the same direction of the voice. "What brings you all the way put here, Smexy?" There was a soft amused chuckle and long white tenticles appeared from behind a tree along with a tall slender figure. His skin was white, and he wore nice black jeans, black dress shoes, a long black trench coat, a red tie and a black hat. His hands were shoved in the pockets of his trenche coat and he had a big toothy side grin. He looked straight at you.

"Heh, I was hoping I'd run into you somewhere out here." He says then walks up to you.

"But you're missing the party." You say, he looked in the direction of the mansion then looked back at you holding out his arm to you like a gentlemen would.

"Would do me the honor of accompanying me to the party, my lovely rose?" You gave a slight grin and shook your head.

"I'd love to." You say and hook your arms together. His grin grew wider at your answer and you both walked the rest of the way to Slender's mansion. Once there you were happily welcomed by all the other pastas including your best friend Diva.

  "Have you told him yet?" I asked you, nudging your arm teasingly.

"Told who what yet?" You ask questioningly. I raised my brow giving you an are-you-serious look.

"Don't play dumb with me, Y/N. I know how you feel about him. The sooner you tell him the better. You know how he can be." My words were like a knife to the your heart. Unfortunately, you knew all too well what he was like. It won't be long before he leaves again and forgets all about you. If you didn't tell him how you felt now then you knew you'd regret later on. You let out a heavy sigh and took a large swig of the booze in your hand. You were gonna need all the help you can get if you were gonna pull something like this off. Especially to the man you've had a crush on for a while. You watched as Offenderman and Slenderman talked by the sofa and went over the endless possibilities that would happen if you told him.

Creepypasta 20 minutes in heaven!!! (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now