Eyeless Jack (Rewrite Winner!)

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A/N: Well, it's finally here! The post you all have been waiting for! The incredibly detailed Eyeless Jack 20 minutes in heaven rewrite! I hope you enjoy it! I'm so very sorry that it took so freaking long! Damn writer's block...



   On a warm summer evening, with butterflies in your stomach, you make your way to Slenders Mansion to once again join the other CreepyPasta for a party. It took Diva twice as long to convince you to come back after what had transpired the last time. In the heat of the moment, EJ was fulfilling your wildest fantasies. But you didn't want to jeopardize your friendship with him; after all, you had been friends since childhood. When he shut the door to his room, that reality came crashing down. Hard. You couldn't go any further than you had in the closet.   You left the party soon after that, and EJ had been keeping his distance ever since, which hurt you more than you had ever expected. The mere thought makes your shoulders heavy, and your mood darkens.

  You try not to let it get to you, and only focus on the fun you'll have with all your friends.

  When you arrive, the music is blasting in the background, Ben and Nina are in front of the TV playing Majoras Mask, Jeff is over with Jane and LJ causing whatever trouble he can while Slendy keeps to himself behind the scenes with a drink in hand. You scan the Kitchen across the room and spot Diva shooting back some whiskey and tequila. An insane mixture, but she's the only one that can handle it. You make your way over to her, and she beams a bright smile showing up her sharp fangs and her silver eyes glowing brightly.

  "Y/N! I knew you'd change your mind!" She gives you a tight hug before she leads you to the counter and offers you a drink. You accept and clink your shot glasses before bottoms up.

"I'll be honest; I almost didn't." You admit taking another shot. Diva gives a soft smile, a rare sight.  She takes the whiskey bottle in her hand and caresses the rim as if it would break if she pressed too hard.

"You know, EJ hasn't been the same since that night." She says, looking up at you and meeting your gaze. "He's more closed off than usual. He's always out, even begged Slendy to keep the jobs coming. Begged. If that doesn't tell me something is wrong, then I don't know what does."

  You shift your weight and lean against the counter.

  "It's my fault." You mutter. Barely a whisper. Diva glares at the bottle in her hand. "I'm just confused. I didn't want to lose the friendship we had, but I guess I did that anyway."

  "Shut up." She grumbles. "If you guys are going to blame someone, blame me. I'm the one who pushed you two together." Diva brings the bottle to her like and takes a swig—the liquid inside swishing around as she tilts her head back. You couldn't hold back your amusement and let out a chuckle.

  "It's comical. EJ is all I ever wanted, and I loved every second. I wish my head would stop spinning so I could think clearly." Diva pours you another shot, and you shoot it back.

"Then set your mind straight." She sighs, taking another swig from the bottle. You give her a puzzled look, but she meets your eyes with a firm expression. "And go talk to him. Besides, he's starting to freak everyone out, and as you well know, we don't scare easy. Not to put any pressure on you, but the sooner you two start talking again, the faster things can go back to normal." But if he pushes you away again? What then? You can't take that kind of pain. It'd kill you. But deep down, you knew Diva was right. You missed your friend more than you care to admit.

  "Look at me, Y/N," Diva says. You meet her gaze once more; the look in her eyes is almost pained. Sad.

    You're eyes go wide with shock.

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