Eyeless Jack

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You were invited to the party and when you showed up loud music was exploding from the living room. "Hey! Y/N's here!" Jeff yelled as he pulled you into the living room and he started dancing. You felt a little uncomfortable so you went into the kitchen and sat down next to EJ who had a plate of kidney's in front of him. He noticed you were here and you guys began to talk about things. He asked you to dance with him which you gladly accepted because you had a little crush on him. After a while I called seven minutes in heaven. I had BEN's hat and I walked over to you and you hesitantly reached your hand in. What you pulled out was a blue chipped piece of a mask. EJ stood up and you blushed. I shoved you two in the closet and locked the door. "Oh yeah one more thing! It's not seven minutes in heaven it's twenty minutes! Have fun!"

You blushed as you let out a sigh. Even thought you knew that it was just you and EJ you felt sort of awkward. You and EJ have been friends since you were twelve and became close. But it wasn't like until a year ago that you realized that you really liked him. "Y/N you know we don't have to do anything if you don't want to" he said. "But if it's alright I would like try something" "And what would that be" You said and before you knew it a pair of lips crashed into yours. You were kinda shocked at first but you were KISSING EJ FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!!!! Well he kissed you but same thing. You wrapped your arms around his neck deepening the kiss. He leaned you against the wall and pressed his body against yours. You could feel your cheeks burnign in flames and your heart was rapidly racing. He went from your mouth to your cheek to your neck and you gasped. He found your sweet spot and lightly sucked on making you gasp a little more. He tugged on your shirt saying he wanted it off and you unknowingly slipped it off and threw it on the floor. Ej did the same thing and you ran your hands up and down his biceps.

He lightly ran his fingures up an down your stomach and made you quiver which he enjoyed.

"You guys have thirty seconds before I open the door!" I yelled and EJ stopped. He put your shirt back on you. "Shall we continue this in my room?" EJ said You blushed a new shade of crimson and giggled Ej taking that as a yes! I opened the door and EJ picked you up bridal style and carried you up stairs and slammed the door.

I'll leave the rest to your imgination XD!!!!

Creepypasta 20 minutes in heaven!!! (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now