Jeff The Killer Rewrite

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Hello my lovelies!

  Long time no see. You're requests have not been ignored and I am here to tell you that the moment has finally arrived!
  Though I warn you... If you are underage turn back now! This part is NOT for the pure and innocent. Not that anyone under the age of 18 is still pure anyway 😏 bwahaha!
  You have been warned! Enjoy.

  In the thicket of the dark and early forest, you walk the hidden passage to Slenderman's mansion, your mind swirling with thoughts and emotions. The night was dim with thick grey clouds the full moons bright light occasionally lighting your way. You stare down at the invitation your hand, wondering just what will be in store. You couldn't shake the feeling the something big was going to happen, and you weren't entirely certain whether that was a good thing or bad. Whenever Diva was involved it was difficult to tell.

   You let out a small breath, looking down at your outfit as you walked wondering if maybe you should've gone with something a little more casual, but the instruction were explicit. Besides, it was better for you to change into something more your own style than whatever Diva would probably throw you into if you showed up and didn't take her...'advice'.
   Finally, the rundown mansion is finally in sight as you stopped just before the staircase leading to the front door. The mansion was clearly lacking any maintenance on the outside, but you knew looks could be deceiving. Why else would you be friends with a bunch psychopaths. You're best friend being the worst one just below Slender man, but by this point you wondering if that was even true anymore given the amount of things he lets slide with her nowadays.

  You could the hard pulses of the music coming inside the mansion and a lot commotion and voices. You heart races in your chest with anticipation and a bit of anxiety. This party could in so many different directions and none of which you could ever be prepared for.

  You take a deep breath before walk up the stairs, the creaks of old wood echoing in the wind with every step.
  You give the door a few loud taps and wait a moment before the door swings open and the muffled pulse of the music roars to life in your ear and loud and melodic.

   In the doorframe is none other than the maniacal killer herself, her skin as pale as the moon, her eyes as strikingly silver as lightning, and wide grin spread across her devious expression.

   "You arrived! Now it's a party." She chuckles her silky smooth voice laced with mischief.

  "I'd never miss a chance to visit my best friend." You reply with a friendly smile.

  Diva steps to the side and extends her arm motioning for you to enter.

  "Please, come on in, we were just about to play some games." She says as you walk past her into the bright warmth of the mansion.

Diva shuts the door behind you and you take in the bright warm lighting of the living room, and the strategically placed furniture. You could recall everyone's faces in the room, even though some were hiding under masks.

  BEN had been planted Infront of the TV playing a game with an intense focus, while Hoody and Masky hovered on either side of him pointing out enemies, and attack combos like a second and third set of eyes. When BEN managed to defeat an enemy they both cheered, their fists in the air to signify the victory. On the sofa we're Jane and Sally having a lovely discussion. Behind them was EJ having a different conversation with Toby and LJ, each with drinks in their hands. There was movement in the kitchen but you couldn't see who was all in there, from what you could see there tentacles slithering away and you knew it was Slenderman.

  "Hey, everyone!" Diva announced shout for everyone's attention and suddenly all eyes were on you. "Look who finally decided to join the party!"

  "Hey, Y/N!" LJ waved with a toothy grin.

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