Homicidal Lou

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"Come on bro! You know you wanna!" Jeff said as he pushed Homicidal Liu towards the closet. You and HL we're chosen to be the one to spend 20 minutes together in the closet.
"J-J-Jeff, stop it!" He stuttered and his face was crimson red.
"Y/N will you stop struggling!? You picked up his his scarf from the hat and now you have to do it!" I yelled. She too was all fluster. It took us about 30 minutes to get them in the damn closet but we managed to finally get them in there. "It shouldn't be this hard to get those two love birds in the closet when they obviously love each other.
"We do not love each other! Get me the hell out of here!" You yelled from inside.

You pounded on the door demanding them to let you out. You and Liu faought a lot, but honestly you had a major crush on him and you didn't really know how to express them so you both often fought when you try to tell each other.
"Jeff, I swear if yo u don't let me out of here I'll kill you!" Liu yelled.
"I'm already dead! Now start making out!" He yelled.
You let out a sigh and slid down to the floor.
"For the next 19 minutes just sit and do nothing... " you muttered and even though it was dark in the closet he looked down at you confused.
"Okay, I wanna know! Why do you hate me?" Liu asked.
"I don't." You answered almost immediately.
"Then why are you so Moody towards me?" He raised his voice...
"I'm not!"
"Yes you are!"
"No I'm not!"
"Your doing it right now!"
"Well, so are you!"
"Because I wanna know why!"
"Why! Why do you wanna know!"
"I don't know, I just do!"
"Well, I'm not telling you!"
"Damn you two! Just kiss already!" Sully yelled.
"Be quiet and let me handle this!" Liu yelled.
"This is pointless!"
"Why do you guys insist that we kiss!? Its not like he has any feeling for me!" You yelled. It all suddenly went quiet and Liu's face turned red.
"Right...?" You asked.
Your face turned a bright red and your stomach started twisting.
"Liu...?" When you liked at him your heart skipped a beat and you couldn't look away no matter how hard you tried.
"Y/N... I...um..''
"Hurry it up." Jeff yeled from the other aide and you both just about had it. You both kicked open the door and both gave Jeff a punch in the face.
"Leave us alone!" You both yelled. You went up stairs and went to your rooms, but Liu knocked on your door. When you opened it Liu crashed his lips into yours.
"I love you, Y/N." He said before he left and went back into his room leaving you standing in your doorway blushing redder than a tomato.

Its short I'm know I'm sorry.

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