BEN drowned

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You were invited to the party and when you showed up loud music was exploding from the living room. "Hey! Y/N's here!" Jeff yelled as he pulled you into the living room and he started dancing. You felt a little uncomfotable so you went and sat down with BEN. You had a crush on him ever since he showed you how to play one of his games. He sat behind you with his arms around you and his hands touching yours. You could almost feel his breath against your ear again like last time. He was in the middle of a game and you watched.

He finally paused his game and handed you the controller. You unpaused the game and to his and your surprise you actually beat his top high score which really pissed him off.

"Man! How are you doing that!?" He exclaimed. You smiled mischievously.

"I had an amazing teacher to help me. Ever since then I've beaten even his top high scores"

"Damnit..." he muttered.

"Time for seven minutes in heaven!!!" I yelled and everyone gathered in the living room. You and Ben stayed where you were since you already were in the living room. I took BEN's hat from his head and gave me a glare. I rolled my eyes and shrugged it off.

I had all the girls move to a different room while the boys put in their object. When I called you back in you sat back down next to BEN and I came over to you first. I placed the hat in front of you and you reached your hand in grabbing the first thing you touched.

You pulled out an Xbox game controller and immediately knew who it was.

BEN stood up and grabbed your hand pulling you inside the closet, saving me the trouble of doing it myself.

I shut the door behind you and locked it. "One more thing! It's not Seven minutes in heaven! It's Twenty minutes! Have fun!"

You blushed crimson red at the words twenty minutes and you felt your heart begin to race.

"Sorry BEN, I know you-" you were cut off by lips crashing into yours and strong arms wrap around your waist.

Still in shock BEN moved away slightly touching his forehead with yours. "I was hoping I'd get you" he muttered in a soothing suductive tone that made your stomach turn.
"Y-Youre were?" You stuttered and he gave a faint chuckle.
"I liked you for a while and I knew that this would be the perfect place to tell you."

He kissed you again and this time you returned the kiss. You were pressed up against the wall with BEN's body pressed tightly against yours. He pinned your hands over your head and he gently bit your bottom lip but you denied him entrance. He trailed kisses all the way down your neck and when he hit your sweet spot you let out a moan. He took that opportunity and slipped his tongue inside your mouth exploring every inch.

He pinned your hands with one hand and slipped his free hand under your shirt, lightly brushing your skin making you quiver.

He started trailing kisses down your neck and played with your sweet spot making you give out soft quiet moans.

With each moan he grew more excited and slipped off your shirt and started roughly leaving love bites down your neck and over your collar bone. Your wrapped your arms around his neck and tugged on the collar of his shirt signalling you wanted it off. He did so and you could feel his six-pack against your stomach.

This time you took the opportunity and pushed BEN off you and against the wall. He chuckled "heh, naughty girl" he muttered, you blushed, but you started kissing his neck and down his chest making him give out a light groan.

You guys were interrupted by knocks on the door and my voice saying that your time was up. "We're not finished Y/N" he said, he gathered your cloths and his before picking you up bridal style and coming out of the closet with you wrapped in your bra. Everyone was giving dog whistles while some burst out Laughing. BEN carried you up stairs and locked the door before laying you down on the bed and climbing on top of you.

"Now, where were we?"

I leave the Res to your imagination! XD

Creepypasta 20 minutes in heaven!!! (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now