Hoodie XD

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You were invited to the party and when you showed up loud music was exploding from the living room. "Hey! Y/N's here!" Jeff yelled as he pulled you into the living room and he started dancing. You felt a little uncomfortable so you went into the kitchen and sat down next to Hoodie. It was an awkward silence since you both were a little- okay really shy. You both said few words to each other but that was only because you had a 'little' crush on him and you didn't want to say anything affencive or stupid. "EVERYONE PLEASE GATHER IN THE LIVING ROOM!" I yelled and every one gathered in the living just like I asked (I'm not really social in real life by the way but I do what I can for my readers) and sat down. "Okay! Time for seven minutes in heaven!" I said excitedly and grabbed BEN'S hat from his head. Everyone put in an item and I went over to you first. You were really hesitant about putting yur hand in and this game but beeing my best friend and knowing that I'm really stubborn you did it anyway which always put a smile on my face. When you pulled out your hand you held a small video camera. A big fat grin appeared on my face probably just as big as Jeffs carved smile. "T-that's, um, my um,..." you heard Hoodie stutter and your cheeks burned a new shade of red which only made me smile more. "I knew you would get him" I said and shoved Hoodie in first and you second, into the closet. "Oh yeah! It's not seven minutes! It's twenty minutes! Have fun!"

You crashed into Hoodie as you were thrown in and he cought you. You quickly got out of his grasp after a second too long. "A-Are you o-okay?"Hoodie stuttered. You felt your heart race and your cheeks burned. "I-I-I I'm fine" you said. More like stuttered. After five minutes of awkward silence, that five of ur twenty minutes. "Y-Y/N?" Hoodie had broken the silence and a rush of relief filled you. "Y-Yes what is it?" You said trying to sound calm. "I-I don't really um, know h-how to um, play ths game" he gave a nervouse chuckle. "Neither do I. I never really wanted to play this I just do it for my friend" you said a little quietly. "W-Well i-is it okay if I t-try s-something?" He asked you actually started to calm down a little. "Of course, what is it" before you knew it, soft lips met yours and felt a pair of hands on your waist. It wasn't a tight grip so he was hesitant or unsure. You didn't want him to let you go so you kissed back. He pulled away so you both could take a breath and touched your foreheads together. ''That'' he said and you smiled. "I-I-I w-wanted to t-tell you s-something for- for a l-long time"Hoodie said. "What is it Hoodie?" You asked. "Well I-I I've l-liked you for a l-long time and w-was wonder if-" before he could finsih you kissed him again. "Whatever it is, yes" you said and he smiled and kissed you again.

I flung open the door catching the two of you making out and was shocked at first. "I would've though you two woukd get off with holding hands or something but damn!" Jeff smirked. Hoodie asked for your hand and you gladly took it and you sat down next to each other on the sofa the rest of the night.


A/N sorry it's so short but I hope you enjoyed it!! So sorry for the delay too, I was busy.

Creepypasta 20 minutes in heaven!!! (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now