Dark Link

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Sup guys! I'm back with more! I'm so sorry it's taking so long but things are really hectic with exams and other things. I haven't had time to write this. But hopefully this makes up for it! If you have any other character suggestions you want to add just let me know and I'll try to make it happen! Anyway, enjoy the story.

  As music blared throughout the mansion, everyone was actually enjoying themselves. They laughed and teased and everything was going well. You were over with BEN playing a friendly game, but as you played you could feel someone's gaze burn holes in the back of your neck sending shivers down your spine, which cost you your game.

"Yes! Victory is still mine!" BEN says triumphantly punching the air. Shocked at your defeat you lowered your head and sighed. Looking over at BEN you gave a bright smile which made tense up.

"Good game!" You say politly, he looked at you almost scared. Everyone knew that when you were polite like that meant they were really going to get it next time. Behind that happy smile of yours was an evil aura that was just waiting to come out and get revenge. It even made Slendy shiver. The only person it didn't work on though was Link. Oddly enough as it is you still didn't know why.

"Let's go one more round!" You say. Snapping out of his fear he gets a determined smirk on his face.

"You're on!" And with that another game started. I was in the kitchen getting some booze when I noticed that everyone steering clear of Dark Link. He had this dark aura that surrounded him as he stared over at you and BEN playing your game. His arms folded tightly over his chest and an intense glare. Geez... I grabbed my whisky from the fridge and threw the lid at his head. His glare was now on me, but it didn't phase me in the slightest. With a blank look I walked over to him.

"You know, instead of standing here sulking and being jealous you should go says something to her." I told him.

"I'm not jealous!" He said quickly. I raised my brow in disbelief and sighed.

"Looks like this is in my hands.... as usual." I muttered.

"Alright! Time for a game! Everyone sit your asses in the livingroom." I yelled. Everyone gathered in the living room and BEN paused the game. The two of you went and sat down on the sofa and I looked over at Link who was still leaning against the counter next to me.

"Ugh, that means you too. Now get your broody hide over there." I told him as I shoved him over to the sofa where you sat and pushed him down next you. It was so obvious that you two liked each other, but you were to shy and afraid to say anything and he's too much of an idiot to admit it.

"Alright, we're going to play a little game of twenty minutes in heaven!" I announced. Jeff got an amused look on his face and leaned forward.

"Does that mean I'll get to do what I ever I want to you in that closet?" He says. I took a swig of my whisky and grabbed a glass of water that just 'happened' to be nearby and dumped it on his head.

"Dream on you perverted creep." I said. Everyone tried to keep themselves from bursting out in laughter as Jeff was humiliated. I'll definitely be paying for that one later but this isn't about me.

"Twenty minutes? I thought it was only supposed to be seven." You said looking at me confused and I gave you a slanted smile.

"That is its original title, but I thought I'd change things up a bit." I said and with a sigh BEN reluctantly gave me his hat knowing that he's always the one who's hat gets used there was no point in trying to argue. Especially with me.

Creepypasta 20 minutes in heaven!!! (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now