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You were invited to the party and when you showed up loud music was exploding from the living room. "Hey! Y/N's here!" Jeff yelled as he pulled you into the living room and he started dancing. You felt a little uncomfotable so you went into the kitchen and sat down next to Masky who was eating plates of cheesecake. "Hey you made it!" Masky said happy to see you. For a while you had a 'little' crush on him but you were too chicken to tell him so you kept small conversations. "Yeah of course. I wouldn't miss it for the world!" You yelled over the blasting music. He handed you a plate of your favorite cheesecake and you both dug in.

After a while the music died down and you unintentionally talked to Masky through the whole party. "OK killers and psychopaths time for a little game I like to call Seven Minutes in Heaven!" I yelled and everyone gathered in the living room sitting in random places. I took Ben's hat and had all the girls go into a different room while the guys put in an object. When they were done I called to you girls to come back in and sit down. You sat next to Masky and I could've sworn I saw him blushing through his Mask. "Okay so there's a little twist to the game! Instead of seven minutes.... it's Twenty minutes in heaven!" I said. You blushed crimson as I looked at you. I knew, since you were like my best friend, that you were never a party person but you would always suck it up because I told you Masky would always be there so you came. I came over to you and put the hat I front of you. You were a little hesitant at first but you put your hand in and felt a skinny cold solid object. You pulled it out and it was a silver fork. You were a little confused Why someone would put a fork in a hat but looked around only to see Masky stand up. He stood in front of you and held his hand out for you to take it. You did but your crimson face got darker as he led you into the closet. "Remember Twenty minutes luvs!!" I yelled before I locked the door behind you.


You let out a silent sigh and tried to see if you could find Masky in here but it was too dark and you couldn't see your hands in front of you. "So, your obviously not a part person..." said a dark but soothing voice behind you. "so Why did you come?" You whirled around but couldn't see a thing. "I came for my friend." You muttered and you could tell he was saying bullshit in his head. "Well, your here now and you seemed to be enjoying your self. If you don't want to do anything during the remaining 19 minutes we don't have to do anything." Masky said in almost a disappointed tone. "I actually, um, uh," you couldn't find the words to even finish the sentence. "If it's alright Y/N I would like to try something" Masky said and you could've swore you saw him blushing even through all this darkness. "Um, sure..." you found your self saying yes and you felt a hand slowly caress cheek and a warm breathe hitting your face. You then felt a pair of lips locking onto yours and you felt your stomach tightened. Was he kissing you? You were shocked for a second but you found yourself returning the kiss. YOU felt his hands wrapped around your waist and you wrapped your arms around his neck.

When the kiss was finally broken you kinda wished it hadn't but you had to catch your breathes. "That was way better than I imagined" Masky said almost panting from that amazing kiss. "I have no words" you whispered kind of hoping he didn't hear you but he gave a chuckle and you blushed. He heard you. "Do you want me to try it again?" Masky said teasingly. Before you could even respond he pressed his lips against yours once again this time filled with passion. You felt his hands slid down your stomach and under shirt then slide back up. His soft touch made you quiver with ecstasy. He then went from your lips to your neck. When the rim of your shirt got in the way he slipped your shirt off and continued leaving love bites down your chest. He bit down on your soft spot making you give a soft moan. He started to abuse that spot making you moan every so often. He pressed his lips against your once more. He licked your lips asking for entrance which you denied. He chuckled and pressed you against the wall putting his knee between your legs which made you gasp. He took that opportunity and slid his tongue inside your mouth exploring it and playing a little game with your tongue.

You tugged on his sweater signalling you wanted it off and he gladly did so. He let you catch your breath from the long kiss and he put your hands on his well built chest. You rubbed your hands all the way down to his belt line and quickly slid your hands back up again weren't sure weather to keep going or to just stop. "It's alright." Masky said soothingly. "I don't mind"

You were about to kiss again but just as your lips were only centimeters apart the was a loud knock on the door.

"Times up love birds!" I yelled and Masky let out a sigh. "I was hoping to get a little more done" he said and that made you blush a little harder than you have before. "What do you say we continue this in my room after the party" you smiled and he chuckled as he handed you your shirt. He put his sweater back on and his Mask and the door opened. I saw that there was small mark on your neck and I winked at you. Masky grabbed your hand and you followed him over to the sofa where he sat you on his lap and made out the rest of the night trying not to get too carried away. "get a room! " Jeff said and chuckled as the others gave out dog whistles and whoohoos.

"Alright then." Masky said and picked you up bridal style and carried you up to his room.

I'll leave the rest to your imagination XD
P.S. sorry I haven't posted in a while I am trying my best to make it up to you guys I promise.

Creepypasta 20 minutes in heaven!!! (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now