Laughing Jack

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You were invited to the party and when you showed up loud music was exploding from the living room. "Hey! Y/N's here!" Jeff yelled as he pulled you into the living room and he started dancing. You felt a little uncomfotable so you went into the kitchen and sat down next to LJ and he was stuffing his face with a HUGE pile of candy. After a while you and LJ were hanging out and laughing and talking until I finally yealled from the living room. "SEVEN MINUTES IN HEAVEN!" You and LJ looked at each other before you both walked into the living room where everyone was gathered.

I grabbed BEN's hat and he shot me a glare and I stuck my tongue out at him. Everyone put in an item and I held the hat in front of you first. I gave you a big smile and you reached your hand in to feel something stickey. When you pulled it out you saw it was a half eaten lollipop. Since you had a crush on him for such a long time you knew who it belonged to.

I pushed you into the closet where LJ was already and slammed and locked the door on you.

"Oh yeah! There's a little twist to the game. Instead of seven it's twenty minutes in heaven! Have fun!"

Your were blushing a new shade of red when you heard it was twenty minutes instead of seven. You sighed and leaned against the wall before you knew it you felt a pair of lips crash into your's. You were shocked a bit cause you thought that he just wanted to be friends so you were surprised by his action.
"I've been waiting for this all day" he said as he caught his breath.
"Y-You were?" You said stupidly but he gave a chuckle before his lips were pressed against yours again. This time you melted and returned his kiss. You felt your stomach twist as he pressed his body against you and your cheeks were burning up. You could feel him smile between the kiss which made you blush harder. He gently bit your bottom lip asking for entrence which you, nervously, denied. He slowly and lightly traced his finger down your thigh making you slighty moan. He took that chance and slipped his tongue in and explored your mouth. He wrapped his long arms around your waist and you wrapped your arms around his neck making him bring you closer to his body.
"I wanted to tell you this for a long time" LJ said breathlessly. You stayed quiet letting him know that he could continue. His face closed the gap between both of your faces and he whispered three words in you ear before he started kissing down your neck. When he hit your soft spot he bit down gently making you gasp.

LJ slowly moved his hands under your shirt making you quiver with pleasure. He slipped your shirt off exposing your bra and kissed down your neck to your collor bone making you gasp every-so-often. Which he enjoyed.

There was a pound on the door and LJ just continued to kiss you.

"You have thirty second to get your clothes back on and come out!" Jeff yelled. Even in the dark you could see LJ with a big grin on his face. He grabbed your shirt and you put it back on when the door flew open. LJ picked you bridal style and took a seat on the couch where the two of you made out the rest of the night.


Creepypasta 20 minutes in heaven!!! (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now