Jason The Toymaker

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A/N: Thank you to thebabeishereplugdj for the suggestion of The Toymaker. I have to say that I had to do a bit of research to learn about his origins and who he is exactly. I hope that what I have written is somewhat to your liking because writing out his character was NOT easy. Anyway, enjoy!

Everyone had arrived at the party that was being thrown downstairs and it was in full swing. Everyone was drinking and dancing messing around. LJ had Jeff in a headlock for steeling some of his candy and EJ was yelling at him for throwing a kidney in his face the other day. Geez, how does Slendy manage to keep these morons under control? Mentally sighing to myself I looked around once more to make sure even he was here. I knew that you wouldn't step foot out of your room unless your crush was here. You never leave your room unless you have to, or if Jason can get you out. I always thought it was wierd how only Jason could get you to do shirt that takes me hours to get you to do. When I had finally put it all together I knew you had to have had a crush on him. That's just who you are. You don't listen to anyone unless you like the person. Slendy knows this already, so he doesn't pester you about it. He understood your reasons.

I walked over to Jason who was looking in the fridge for something to drink when I tapped his shoulder. Closing the fridge he looked at me.

"Jason, I need your help..." I I said in a slightly pleading tone.

"Won't come out of her room, will she?" He says bluntly and I lowered my head defeated.


"Heh, alright I'll bring her down, but there's something I want that only you can do for me." He says, then he bent down slightly, because he's freaking taller than I was, and he whispered something in my ear. The sides of my mouth curled upwards in an amused and mischievous smile when he told me.

"Can you do that?" He asked.

"It would be my absolute pleasure." The excitement just thinking about what I can do made my heart race. Now this party is gonna get ineresting...

I watched as Jason left the kitchen and jogged upstairs then with excitement evident in my voice I hollered to everyone.

"GAME TIME! Get your asses in the living room!" Everyone soon stopped what they were doing and gathered in the livingroom. Even LJ let Jeff drop to the floor from his headlock and skipped over to the living room.

When everyone was finally seated Jason came down the steps with you in tow. He led you over to an empty seat on the sofa and sat you down. He then stood right next to you and placed his hand on your shoulder. Slightly annoyed that you had to leave your room, you lowered your head. But I could see the tint of red that covered your cheeks at Jason's touch.

"Alright, now that everyone's here, we're going to play a little game I like to call 20 minutes in heaven." I announced.

"Twenty? But it's only supposed to be seven!" EJ says confused.

"That is the origin title, but I want to switch things up a bit."

"I'm not opposed to it. You can get a lot done in twenty minutes." Jeff says eyeballing me from head to toe. Disgusted, I slammed a pot of water, that just magically happened to be nearby, on his head and cleared my throat. The other pastas laughed and I went on to explain the rules.

"Alright, now, let's get started. Girls, I want you to close your eyes and don't peek. Boys, you are going to drop one artifact of your own possession into this sack." (A/N: I thought BEN could use a break :P) I said as I held out a large purple velvet sack in front of me. I went around and gathered all their objects then I told the girls to open their eyes.

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