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A/N: Hello! Those that have read this and like reading it I'm so sorry for the no update I really thought that after my Jeff the Killer scenario it would be the last one, boy was I wrong! I love the creepypastas really much, but apparently I'm not cuaght up on them. There are a lot of pastas out there that you guys are aware of that I'm not so, in my other book someone asked if they could help with this book and since there were only like maybe five or six pastas, I agreed to the help. Anyway, so I hope you enjoy this scenario and it is going to be different from the other ones. Not the same beginning. Okay I'm going to stop talking and let you read the part. Enjoy!
Warning: this will be detailed!!
I also for got to mention...Sonic looks like the one in the photo in this scenario! Okay letting you read now!
You were excited and couldn't wait to get to the party. Not only would get to enjoy the party, but he was there too. You had a crush on him since I introduced to the pastas. You stepped on the porch of Slender mansion and you could hear the muffled music blast through the house, you could hear from two miles away. You got this painful feeling in your stomach and wanted to turn around to leave, but the door opened and you saw me standing in the doorway.

"Y/N I'm glad you made it!" I said taking your arm and pulled inside. You saw that all the pastas were dancing. Some of them were in the kitchen messing with each other and eating and drinking. Slenderman was standing in the hallway, looking annoyed with everyone being so obnoxious, but he was having a good time too. You eyes were suddenly focused on the blue haired and black bloody eyes boy who was leaning against the wall just glaring at everyone dancing and having fun. I noticed you were staring dragged you behind me up to him.

"Sonic! Your girlfriends here!" I teased. I could tell you blushing a new shade of red and glared at me but also blushed slight When he saw you.

"She's no my girlfriend!" He yelled at me. You and sonics relationship was a strange one, I don't even know how you could put up with all that name calling and stuff. I winked at you both and went over to Slenderman and whispered something his ear. So We went somewhere where no one could eavesdrop on us.

"It about time you got here, Bitch!" He yelled.

"Hello to you too jackass!'" You yelled back. He gave a sharp toothed grin  and you followed him into the kitchen and grabbed something to drink. Bitch and Jackass were your nicknames for each other! (I find it really strange though, but That's how your relationship worked I guess)

After about an hour of drinking some punch and maybe a cup or two of beer (it's just how the story in this is, if you don't like I'm sorry but sonic is a strange one so....I'm sorry!) You two were teasing and playing jokes on the other pastas and danced. When the music was suddenly turned off, I put my plan into action!

"Alright! Everyone get your asses in the Living room it's time for SEVEN MINUTES IN HEAVEN!!!" I yelled and everyone gathered. You and sonic took a seat next to each other. I grabbed BEN's hat from his head and he gave me a death glare that would scare anyone. I just shrugged it off and I told the girls to leave the room for minute while the boys put in an object in the hat.

I called the girls back in they took their seats. I went over to you first and placed the long green hat in front you.

You put your hand in and touched something soft and long. When you pulled it out you saw it was a thing of blue fuz. I smiled at you and grabbed your hand.
"I had a feeling you would get him. He's already in the closet!" I said pushing you inside and locking the door behind you.

"One more thing! Its not seven minutes in heaven anymore. Its twenty minutes. Have fun!!" I yelled.

You blushed deeply and gave out a sigh.
"Dont be so down! We'll have fun!" You heard an all to familiar voice coming from behind you and felt hands wrap around your waist and pulled back into his chest. You could feel his heart racing. So he was just as nervous.

"Sonic..." you muttered, you felt a warm breath touch the nape of your neck and it sent chills down your spine. He started kissing little parts of your neck and the sensation ran all the way down your body. You let out a small gasp, but quickly covered your mouth with your hand hoping that it wasn't too loud. You heard him give a small chuckle and now he stood in front of you.
"Don't hide. I know you like it" he purred. He then pressed you up against the wall and started kissing from your neck down your callar bone leaving little pain sensations behind.

His hand trails down, lightly brushing his fingers against your stomach and up your shirt barely touching your bare skin. He gently pressed his lips against yours licking your lips asking for entrance, which you denied. He let out a growl then a chuckle. He unbottened your shirt leaving you exposed in your bra and gently rubbed his fingers against your bare skin sending sensations everywhere in your body making you gasp. He took that opportunity and slipped his tongue in and explored your mouth. While he was kissing you, you unzipped his vest he was wearing and let it fall to the floor and he pressed his body against yours letting you feel his abs against your stomach. 'He has a six pack!!' You thought.
"I've waited for so long to do this!" You heard him say.
"Oh yeah, I wanted so many times to have this opportunity and now I finally have it. Your my bitch now, Y/N!" He said.
"Jackass." You muttered he chuckled and started kissing down your stomach making you gasp here and there.

You both we're breathing heavily and he pulled away for just a second and you started lightly kissing his neck and your fingers being tangled in his blue hair. Suddenly, he was up against the wall and you we're the pressed against him. When you started to kiss down his stomach he let out a light groan and felt something poke your stomach.
"Excited are we?" You smirked.

"Alright! Times up- Whoa!!!" I nearly fainted at the sight of you pressed against him. I normally would have thought it would be the other way around! Sonic gave me a red death glare and I closed the door.

"sorry, continue with what you we're doing!" I said and sat down by Jeff. He took one look at my face and burst out laughing his ass off.
"They we're really getting it on!!" He said.

Ill leave the rest to you imaginations. Sorry if it was short and spelling errors.

Creepypasta 20 minutes in heaven!!! (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now