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A/N: Im sorry I haven't been posting. Ive been really busy with some other stories that im hoping to be posted soon. Thank you Fnaf__Creepypasta for suggesting Puppeteer! I've been wanting to write about him for a while but his character and personality was a bit difficult to figure out. In any case, though, I hope I did a good job because like the Toymaker is was NOT easy. Enjoy!

   P.S: I will not be in this story part. I got people that Slendy needs to be assassinated. Good luck without me!

    You were walking through Slender's Forrest on your way to his mansion where you were invited for a party. You aren't particularly a social person so you didn't really like parties all the much. But you were dying of boredom back at your place, so you saw this as chance to get out of the house. The sky was a beautiful dark blue color and and the full moon overhead shined beautifully, casting down a bright light that let you see where you were going. As you walked in silence, a small breeze of wind rushed passed you causing your hair to fly in your face. Sighing out of irritation you brushed your hair out of your face holding it back until the breezing settled down.


Suddenly, you heard something snap behind you and you looked over your shoulder only to find no one there. You stood there looking back for a moment, but just you were going to turn around and keep walking...

Snap! Crack!

Hearing the noise again you narrowed your eyes glaring behind you.

"I know you're out there! Who are you!" You demanded coldly. You stayed silent waiting for another noise but heard nothing. As you slowly took a step back you darted your eyes in every direction looking from the slightest bit of movement, but you saw nothing. Taking another step back you felt something behind you when you turned you saw Jonathan standing there looking down at you. With a slight scream, you jumped back and he quickly covered your mouth with his hand to silence you.

  "Geez, do you have to be so loud?" He says to you, finally processing in your head that you're not in any real danger you relaxed and looked up at him. He reluctantly moved his hand from your mouth and you let out a sigh.

"Don't scare me like that! What the hell are you doing sneaking around here anyway?" 

"Getting away from the obnoxiousness at the mansion. Jeff provoked one of the guys and Slendy is trying to calm everyone down right now." He let out a long, annoyed, sigh and he shoved his hands in his pockets.

 "What are you doing out here?" He asked and you folded your arms over chest giving him a bored look.

 "I was invited. I was bored at home so I decided to come here. Figured it couldn't be any more boring than my place, but I guess I was wrong... Every time I come here you guys are either fighting or you're... well... nope, you're always fighting." You let out a sigh and looked up at the full moon above you. Jonathan too looked at the moon and then back down at you.

 "There's supposed to be a game starting here pretty soon. You like games, right?" He suddenly asked. You looked at him and shrugged your shoulders. 

 "What's the game?"

 "Dunno, LJ is keeping it a secret until everyone calms down. He won't tell anybody." 

 You both sighed knowing that something had to be up. LJ doesn't keep a game a secret unless he's planning something. 

 "I suppose we could check it out, but somehow, I have a bad feeling about this." You muttered. You both started walking in the direction of the mansion and when it was finally in view you could hear loud music blasting from inside and the faint screaming of angry voices. Sounds like they were all still fighting.  

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