Jeff The Killer.

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OK so this will be the last scenario in this story T-T. I can't figure out anymore pastas to put in here so this will be my last post. And now the moment you all have been waiting for.....JEFF THE KILLER!!!!!!!

You were on your way to the party and when you arrived loud music was exploding from the living room. The door open and standing there was non other than the one and only Jeff. You had a small crush on Jeff and you would even have these little moments when you argued about random stuff.

"Hey, Y/N your finally here! I need some one to dance with! " Jeff said grabbing your hand and pulling you inside. The loud up beat music was blasting so loud you couldn't hear Jeff speaking.

After awhile you both went into the kitchen and got a drink.

"SEVEN MINUTES IN HEAVEN!!!" I yelled and everyone gathered in the living room where it was now quiet-ish. I grabbed BEN's hat and he gave me a cold glare but I ignored it.
I had the girls leave the room while the men put in objects. I looked at Jeff and saw that he was oddly nervous. Which is out of character because Jeff is never nervous.

I called everyone back in and you sat down next to Jeff. He shrugged off the nervousness but I could tell that he was still pretty nervous.

I walked over to you and held the hat in front of you. You put your hand in and you felt pain slice through your hand.

However, you didn't let go of the object. You pulled it out to see a pocket knife dripping in your blood.

You didn't need to look around to know who you got, because you knew the knife belonged too Jeff.

You let go of the knife making it drop to the floor as Jeff stood picked up the knife, took your uninjured hand and led you into the closet.


You leaned against the wall and let out a sigh. "Sorry you had to-" before you had even finished, lips crashed against yours and strong arms wrapping around your waist. Jeff's kissing you.

After what felt like forever, Jeff broke the kiss with the both of you breathing hard from lack of breath.

"I can't tell you how much I've wanted to do that" he said as if out of breath. "Really?" You said sounding shocked.

"I've liked you for a long time Y/N. I- I like you- I l-love you. " You blushed crimson and he chuckled. He pressed his lips against your once again and you returned the kiss. He pressed you against the wall and started kissing down your neck.

You winced at the pleasure of your sweet spot on your neck. You let out a soft moan which only turns Jeff on.

He slowly slid his hand down your stomach making you quiver as he slid his hand up your shirt.

He slid of your shirt exposing you in your bra. Before his lips reached your neck once more for absolute pleasure you stopped him. He looked at you confused.

"Your turn..." you said darkly and he grinned wider than he was. He took of his blood stained sweater and tossed it aside, now he was completely topless and you could see his six-pack. He pressed himself against you and you against the wall.

Jeff lifted you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist letting him leave love bites all the way down your neck and you letting out a few moans of pleasure here and there.

"Times up!" I yelled.he set you down as he slipped your shirt back over you.

He whispered something in your eat making blush crimson and you nodded. I opened the door to see you both breathing hard. Jeff picked you up bridal style and carried you upstairs and we all heard the door lock.

I'll leave the rest to your imagination

A/N I am so sorry I haven't posted in awhile a lot of things have been going and I was really busy. I hope you guys enjoyed this scenario cuz it's the very last one. This story will not be updated anymore. I'm sorry but I hope you guys enjoyed them all.

Creepypasta 20 minutes in heaven!!! (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now