Q&A ?

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(Hi hi! I was gonna write today and get some chapters out to you guys but I woke up with a terrible headache, a sore throat, and on top of that I'm congested. I didn't want to overwork myself as I'm currently directing a school play and I've been up these past nights blocking and writing tons. So I slept a bunch to get it off, and then I woke up feeling a bit better but still stuffy and icky. I have a trip to Orlando in 7 days and I CANT miss it, so I drank tons of tea, I have my defuser on, I've been taking vitamins and zincs and all that fun stuff. 

BUT I can't leave you all BORED out of your minds (like I have done before 👩‍🦲)

So I decided we can do a Q&A!

Y'all can ask me questions about my hobbies, writing, why I write what I write, maybe secret talents all dat fun's stuff.

Mirren23  love u babs


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