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"Enterprise-sama, Enterprise we must get retreat many of us are already injured!!!"

These are the words that Essex said as she shouted this to Enterprise who is busy on fighting the siren ships and planes

At the Year 2005 a mysterious anomaly called, The Sirens came and attacked many cities across the globe killing many people, Many Modern ships tried to repel them but they always returned with there ships damaged 

Humanity start to lose hope until the discover the Wisdom cubes and accidentally summoned an old ship, The IJN Mikasa as the first shipgirl

and from there Sunken, scrapped and Museum Warships from WW2 were Raised, Rebuilt, and Were made Combat Ready once again and from there The Shipgirls were created to fight the Sirens and from the Azur Lane was formed

Currently Essex and a few Shipgirls led by her Superior, Enterprise the Grey Ghost herself were sent to intercept a Siren Fleet near the Pacific and were currently returning to Pearl Harbor 

Until A Siren Fleet Ambushed them and many were injured as a result including one of Essex's sisters, Intrepid 

Essex: Don't worry Sister we'll get out here okay

Intrepid: Y-Yeah *Passes out*

and then suddenly Essex detected Siren Planes heading to her spot but she is also carrying Intrepid at this rate- No there has to be a way

and then Essex saw one of the shipgirls that were injured and from there Essex head to that shipgirl

Shipgirl: Ms. Essex

Essex: Take Intrepid and get the other out of her okay?

Shipgirl: But what about you Ms. Essex?

Essex: She'll cover you tracks until you reached to safety *And then Essex's Eagle turns into a Grumman TBF Avenger and started to take off from Essex's rigging* Incase I didn't get out of here Tell my sister I'm sorry, Now GO!

and from there The Shipgirl left while she is carrying Intrepid with The Grumman TBF Avenger protecting them

As Essex saw this she started to engage the incoming Siren Planes by sending her own planes and using her AA guns to shot them down 

 While this is happening We could see Enterprise shooting down siren planes and ships with her planes

Enterprise only wanted one thing to make sure the world is safe with her sisters smiling

But Because of this she forgot the people around her

And then Enterprise could hear someone screaming and turns around and her eyes were shocked in Horror

It was Essex with some of her clothing burnt and torn and her riggings are beyond repair

as Enterprise saw this she immediately rushed to Essex as she send some planes to intercept the incoming Siren planes

Enterprise: Essex! *Catches Essex just in time as she was about to fall on the water

Essex: E-Enterprise-sama

Enterprise: I'm gonna get us out of here so don't die on me o-

Essex: I-I wont make it

Enterprise: No, No You're going to make it I promise that

Essex: I-I'm beyond saving Enterprise-sama

Enterprise: No, no *Starts to cry*

Essex: C-Can I ask one last favor Enterprise-sama?

Enterprise: Please no you're going to get out of her alive so please hold on

Essex: C-Can you take care of my sisters for me Enterprise-sama?

Enterprise: I-I

Essex: P-Please?

Enterprise: I-I'll do my best

Essex: T-Thank you Enterprise-sama

and from there Essex draws her last breath as Enterprise lets go of her body as she sank into the abyss while Enterprise commanded all of the shipgirls that were still in the area to retreat

As the Azur Lane shipgirl had completely left we could see a Siren humanoid picking up Essex's body and then lefts by going though a portal

To be continued

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